Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I always wanted to be a nurse....
So I got a new job working at an Immediate care clinic! I will be working part time: one 12 hr shift a week and every other weekend. Perfect! I was supposed to start on Thursday, but turns out the nanny I hired decided to disappear off the face of the earth and never showed up. So, needless to say I had to call in my very first day telling them "I cant make it". I was mortified. Fortunately, they understood and it wasnt a big deal. Lucky me. So anyway, yesterday was my first official day and I was very excited to get back into the field. I hadnt worked for 5 months, so I was a little nervous I would be rusty! The day went really well, and it turns out the xray techs there are basically "just one of the nurses". I did everything the nurses did like go out and get the patient, bring them into a room, take their vitals and medical history etc. I take strep tests, help with urine samples, irrigate ears, heck maybe actually do an xray in the midst of all of that! It's been a great learning experience for me, but I am always up for a challenge! I enjoy all of the patient interaction on the nursing side, but still get to enjoy doing my job as an xray tech! It's the best of both worlds! As far as the nanny goes, I honestly haven't heard from her... I've called, left messages and emails. I dont know where she is, I hope she is not just being a total flake and avoiding me. Seriously, who would do that? So, I decided to start looking for someone else and I have a nice girl coming over on Tuesday to interview so hopefully she is a good fit! I have really enjoyed the time I spent being a stay at home mom, but I am excited that I have something to do just for "me". I get to meet new people, have some adult interaction and get a little break from the demands of my kiddos! Luckily, I am still going to be home with them most of the time, and they get some wonderful daddy bonding time during the weekends that I work!
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:57 PM