I figured I had better start documenting the belly progress, since I really started showing at 10 weeks! I am 14 weeks here!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
14 week belly
Posted by
Ashley S.
6:55 AM
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Dallin's Preschool Graduation
Dallin officially finished his second year of preschool. I have been so pleased with our choice for his preschool this year in Indiana. His school was a based on a Montessori curriculum, which Dallin really responded to well. Dallin had a great year, was "the center of attention" his teachers say, and he learned TONS! Dallin is already reading short words, he can add and subtract basic numbers and despite being the youngest in his class, he is totally ready to start Kindergarten in the fall. Dallin made quite a few good friends, a few of which we get together with for playdates. We are so proud of our little squirt, and like most mom's say, "I cant believe my baby is so old!!"
Conor, Dallin, and Delaney. The three amigos.
Dallin's best bud Conor! He and Dallin get along so well, and we love having playdates with him!
Dallin and his "girlfriend" Delaney! What a cutie!
The only family picture we could snap, thanks to my busy 2 year old
Our babysitter, Dani and Dallin. My kids ADORE her! In fact, Dallin always makes me count down the days until Friday when Dani comes! She was so nice to come watch Dallin at his graduation!
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:00 PM
Easter Festivities
I had to work Easter Sunday, so we opened packages from the grandparent's on Saturday night! The kids loved their baskets full of goodies! Easter morning the kids were up bright and early, so I got to watch them do their egg hunt for just a few minutes before I had to leave. Claire caught right on and had a ball finding her eggs. Dallin was a big helper and once he found his 10, he helped Claire find all of hers. The kids got all cleaned up and ready for Church with Dad!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:29 PM