So remember how I was up last night with some of my girlfriends until 12:00 in the morning? I know, that is so out of character for me, but we just had so much fun talking we could not leave. I even had to get up and be to work by 7:30 that morning. We had a little get together with all of the girls from high school. We went to Iggys and shared old stories and had a blast catching up on eachother's lives. Then we were supposed to go see the 9:45 showing of Mama Mia, but after chatting for so long that time came and past quickly. Soon, it was down to only three of us girls and we ended up sitting in my car for 2 hours talking. It was so fun, and I am so glad that I have such great friends that I can talk to like that. I love you girls. Until the next Girls Night out...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hashimoto's disease
That strange sounding diagnosis is my new life. That is right, I officailly have a disease called Hashimoto's. Dont worry, it really is not a huge deal and actually I am so happy that we finally figured out this craziness that has been my body lately! For those who are confused, here is a brief summary of the last few months. First off, I went to my OB/GYN becaause my lovely monthly friend had not come to visit for over 6 months. I had been feeling abnormally sluggish and tired, and just not myself. My doctor ran a few basic tests and my thyroid level (TSH) had come back elevated. Basically, my body was not producing enough of the thyroid hormone which is mainly responsible for helping metabolize your food into energy. So my doctor didnt seem too concerned and sort of lead me on my way, saying it wasnt "high enough" to treat. Well, being in the medical field I was not satisfied with that answer at all. I did a lot of research and talked to a family member with the same problem and concluded that I needed a second opinion. Thyroid levels should not be over 3 and mine was over 6. I decided to go see my Family Practice Doctor, who immediately took things seriously. He actually felt my thyroid (which my other doctor didnt) and he said it felt huge. He wanted an ultrasound immediately, and re-drew all my labs including an Antibody test. Well guess what... all my inclinations were confirmed when my antibody test came back sooo totally whacked out... 21,000 to be exact. Nobody should have thyroid antibodies in there blood at all. My doctor had never seen anything so high, and my ulrasound proved that my tissue was diseased and enlarged. So, to make a long story short... I have a disease called Hashimoto's which is an autoimmune disorder where my thyroid is attacking itself, killing tissue and my body is trying to build new healthy tissue resulting in enlargement of the thyroid. Ahhh... that was a lot. So now what? Well, there is no cure for the disease, but basically the side effect is Hypothyroidism, which in itslef is pretty common. I am now taking a supplement which I will for the rest of my life. I am on my fourth week and am slowly starting to notice some changes. Hopefully, my thyroid will start figuring thins, and it will slowly stop killing itself.
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:34 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Now that my cute babe is 2, I figured this would be a good time to document some of the fun milestones he has hit.
*He can count to fifteen
*He knows his ABC's and about 15 other songs. He is obsessed with singing and before bed we sing about 5 songs each night! How cute.
*He officially sleeps through the night (ever since he has been in his big boy bed). He has always given us a hard time when it came to sleeping, but now it is pure bliss!
*He is starting to like movies, especially Ratatoille, Cars, Monsters Inc, and Nemo
*He LOVES motorcycles, and can spot one any time any where
*He is entering his terrible two stage, learning how to throw tantrums
*He has the BEST memory, and repeats everything... even days later
*He is scared to go down slides by himself... but pretty fearless when it comes to anything else.
*He loves sports, and has loved watching the olypics.
*He can do a somersault... well just about!
*He loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cereal, waffles, and rice and chicken
*He is very aware of his surroundings, and always knows where we are when we are driving, and recognizes stores when we pull up (thats when you know you shop too much)
*He is just so dang cute!
Well there you have it, a little bit of info about my little man. Hope you enjoyed it!
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:38 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Dallin's Birthday Party
Last Saturday we had a birthday party for Dallin at our house. It was nothing huge, just friends and family came for cake and ice cream. Dallin was spoiled rotten, as usual, and got some really great things. Thanks for everyone for coming and helping us celebrate my little guy's birthday. (can I just say I cant believe he is 2 already)
Here is the birthday boy with his cute Aunt Sarah!
Make a wish! Dallin usually cries anytime lots of people sing Happy Birthday, but this time he actually thought it was pretty cool! He loved blowing out the candles, but as soon as everyone clapped it was all over... he cried for like 5 minutes.
Dallin had fun opening his gifts with his cute helper miss Audrey.
Like I said before... spoiled
This little ride on 4-wheeler was sure a hit. For those who dont know, Dallin is obsessed with motorcycles, so he calls this thing his motorcycle. Thanks to Chris who had his helmet near by, we were able to snap this adorable picture!
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:56 PM