Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
What we've been up to ....
Bringing Claire home from the hospital!
Daddy/daughter bonding time
Experiencing the Bilirubin lights. I dont recommend it to ANYONE.
First bath at home
Daddy/son bonding time at the Dinosaur Park in Ogden
Big Brother Dallin holding baby Claire
Goofy time with Dallin
Hanging out every day with this adorable bundle
First Father's day as a family of 4
We have totally enjoyed having Claire home. It was a rough first few days because as you can see by the picture, she had Jaundice and had to be put under the lights. That was sure a bummer, because you are not able to hold them except for feeding so I really felt like I missed that bonding time. After that was resolved, we have been adjusting to having two kids, trying to give Dallin quality time which Andy has done wonderfully. I have had a lot of help from family and friends, so thank you to everyone for your help. Andy's last semester of school starts tonight, but the good news is he changed his classes so he only has tuesday/thurdsay night classes instead of M-Th. I am so excited that he will only be gone two nights a week! Yay! Claire has been a great baby so far. She is eating well and sleeping pretty good at night only waking up twice to eat. Its been so fun adding another little one to our family and I feel so blessed that she is healthy and so beautiful. She has the darkest skin, and dark hair which I totally was not expecting. Well off to go get some much needed rest while Big Brother Dallin is napping!
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:18 PM
Friday, June 12, 2009
JUNE 11, 2009
3:09 PM
7 LBS 8 OZ
Our sweet baby girl made her grand entrance into this world yesterday! She is SOOO adorable and looks like her big brother, except the black hair of coure. My delivery was so amazing, she came out with two pushes! I feel great, and Claire is adjusting to life quite well. She is so content, I have only heard her cry twice. She absolutely LOVES to nurse which has been such a blessing for me. I could not have asked for a better experience. Here are some cute pictures.
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:50 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009
Things will be radically changing in our house come this next week. I will admit, I am totally freaked out about adding Claire to our lives, mainly because I have spent the passed almost 3 years living my life the same way. I have been able to hang out with Dallin, I've been able to just hop in the car and run errands, sleep when he sleeps, etc. I dont know what I am in for. I know I will absolutely LOVE having Claire here, dont get me wrong, I am just a tad nervous which I am sure is a logical feeling! All I can say is "Let's get this show on the road". One thing I am most looking forward to is Andy being done with school. Come August, we will have what some might consider normal lives. For as long as I have known Andy, he has been in school. I cant wait for "Daddy" to come home for dinner every night, and play with us. I think Dallin will be the most excited. He sure loves his daddy, and every night he cries that he misses and loves him so much. Come August we will be seeing lots more of Andy! Well I am sure the next thing I post will be a picture of my new baby girl so check back. Cant wait!
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:45 PM