Just a quick update to let everyone know we have safely made the move to Indianapolis! Andy drove our van and we hired a company that drove the moving truck for us! I had the luxury of flying out with my kids after Andy and the truck arrived! My mom and sister came out with me on the flight, which was a huge help. They also stayed a few days to help unpack and wrangle the kids while we got settled. I was able to finally see my house in person, which was so much fun! We absolutely LOVE IT! The town we are living in is called Noblesville, which is a suburb of Indianapolis. It is about 20 minutes north of the City. Our house is right on a golf course, in fact our backyard is the Golf course! It is so beautiful here, green and lots of trees. We are so close to many of the ammenities we are used to in Utah, shops restaraunts, etc.
Dallin was able to start preschool right away, which is great for him. He goes 3 times a week, twice for 4 hours and the other day for 2.5 hours. He loves it already and I am glad he has something to keep him busy! I met a girl from the ward who already invited me to a weekly "potluck" for stay at home mom's. I am so excited, it is tomorrow and I will get to meet some new friends! The kids have adjusted so well, they are already totally used to Eastern Time, which I was totally nervous about.
Andy hasn't really started work yet. He should be getting his new laptop with all the programs he needs on Thursday, and then he can dive into work!
Overall we have been loving it! It still feels like a bit of a vacation, but I think I can get used to it here! We cant wait until Sunday when Andy's parents come out (they drove our other car). It will be fun to spend some time with them! I will post some pictures of our house shortly!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
We are here!!!
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:14 PM
Monday, September 6, 2010
Movin' TIme
The time has arrived for us to move. We spent an exhausting weekend loading up the moviing truck and cleaning our apartment. Oh boy was that a task. It is so much different moving across the country vs. across the city. We litereally had to put EVERY SINGLE THING WE OWN in a box. Craziness. We basically played one giant game of tetris trying to get everything into the moving truck, and in the least amount of space possible (they charge per foot used). But we made it out alive, barely, so it's time to say our goodbyes and start our new journey. Andy leaves bright and early tomorrow morning to drive to Indiana. His buddy Chris is tagging along to keep him company during the drive. Of course, they had to squeeze in some sort of sporting event into the trip so they are going to a Chicago White Sox game on Thursday night. Then they will head over to Indiana. I get to stay here for a few more days and then fly out with the kids Friday! My amazing mom and sister get to join me on the plane and come hang out with us for the first few days in our new place!!! After they leave, Andy's parents will be coming a few days later. They are driving our other car out, and then flying home a few days later! I actuallly cannot believe it is all happening. It still seems a bit surreal in my mind. I am however, very excited. I cant wait to get settled and start a new chapter in our lives!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:49 PM
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Cabin Fever
We decided to have a last shin dig with our friends up at Jenny's cabin! It was a great little getaway and we were all able to find babysitters for our kids! We stayed up till almost 3 am and slept in till 9:00! Wow, that's unheard of once kids enter the equation! We spend the evening barbequeing and goofing off. We played some games, but mainly just talked and talked and laughed (a lot). We only stayed one night, but it was much needed! We are very sad to leave all of our amazing friends, but know we will always stay in touch!
The girls (minus Christa who came up later that night)
Kate and Me. My bestie for life!
My SIL Lacy and Me. We have become such great friends over the years. Sure going to be sad to leave
Jen (iffer) and me (shlee) Love this girl. Go Red!
Couldn't resist acting like we were 12 again!
I love this picture of Andy and me but the lighting was strange. Oh well, it's still cute!
The Girls.
The boys. these guys (minus travis) all grew up together!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:08 PM