Now that I live away from my family and friends, I figured I better post updates on these two little bundles of energy! They sure keep me on my feet all day long, and now that I stay home with them I am getting a hang of the stay at home mom role! I sure love getting to spend every day with them!
Miss Claire:
She is now 16 months old (where has the time gone). She is busy busy busy and climbs on everything. We spend lots of time at the park and people often ask me how old she is because they cant believe how well she manuevers around on the playground! She is talking more and more each day, my favorite saying of hers is "bless you". It just sounds so cute coming from someone so little. She also says, "touchdown" whenever she sees football, and "goal" when she sees soccer. Andy is so proud! We recently introduced her to an Elmo DVD that Dallin loved as a baby and now she is addicted. I just took her bottle away a few days ago, and she had no trouble at all (why does stuff like that always seem harder in my mind). She still absolutely LOVES her baths and now loves showers too! She is seriously the cutest, funniest, sweetest thing ever, and I just love every bit of her.
He has handled the move so well, way better than I thought! He started preschool just days after we moved here and he loves it! He goes to a Montessori school, which I hear offers such a great learning style! He is still incredibly busy, and always wants me to play with him. I have really struggled with this because it's hard for me to give him the attention he wants, give Claire some time and still try to manage the household duties. I have really been trying to encourage him to use his imagination more, and he is getting better. He loves dressing up like superheroes and watching superhero shows, of course. Soccer is still a daily activity around here, and he just started in a new soccer program here in Noblesville! We have been trying really hard to make friends, and spend every day at the park socializing! It's a great way for hime to get to play with other kids and gives mom a much needed break from playing spiderman all day! We took him to another ENT who told us we definitely need to get Dallin's tonsils/adenoids removed. I was relieved in a sense, because I know it is finally going to allow Dallin to get some restful sleep! No more 2-3 night wakings every night! The doctor said that the surgery should also help with some behavioral issues we have been dealing with too, so that is also a plus! Of course, he is still my sweet little boy who is SOOOOO loving, and so complimentary. He has such a big heart, and is so passionate about everything. Even though he tests my patience daily, I sure love this kid!
Monday, October 18, 2010
My dynamic duo
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:03 PM
Newport, Kentucky Aquarium
One benefit to living in Indy is we are just a few hours away from many nearby cities with great attractions! We wanted to drive in to Cincinnati and Kentucky so we found this great aquarium that is located right on the levy in Newport, Ky which is just across the Ohio River. We ate lunch at a great pizza place and then spent the afternoon at the aquarium. It was awesome and there were some really great exhibits! After the aquarium, we spent some time driving around Cincinnati and Andy showed me some of the places he lived when he was serving his Mission! He lived right downtown in a couple different apartments, and I tell ya, I wouldnt want to be caught walking around those streets. Pretty scary stuff. Then we headed to a city called Batesville, In which is another area he served. We found his old apartment there too! That sure was a cute little town, located just an hour from Indy! Crazy how life has brought us back to this area! Here are some pics from that day!
The view into downtown Cincinnati from Kentucky
The highlight of the day was when I got attacked by a bunch of Parrots! We entered a part of the aquarium where they let the birds fly around freely in the atrium. We were allowed to feed the birds with these tiny little cups full of some sort of liquid. I held mine up towards a tree when suddenly the bird I was trying to feed jumped right onto my arm. It was pretty cool until the other few birds came flocking over and landed right on my head! It was HILARIOUS! I was dying, and total strangers were taking my picture! To make it even worse, the birds were pooping all over me, it was quite disgusting, but seriously funny. Dallin and Andy sure got a kick out of it. Not sure why I became the landing pad for the birds, but it made for a good story!
Claire LOVES fish! It was one of her first words, so you can only imagine the joy she experienced walking through this aquarium. Love her!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:32 PM
Fall Festival
Since moving to Indiana we have been fortunate to fill our weekends with fun activities as we explore this new state! We spent one Saturday at one of the many farms here called Stony Creek Farm. They hold an annual fall festival full of fun activities for the kids, including a giant bounce pillow (Dallin was in heaven), haunted house, corn maze, mini train ride, and a hayride to a secluded pumpkin patch where the kids got to pick out their own pumpkin (my camera died at this point in the day, boo.) Anyway, it was a great day, and we had a ball!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:23 PM
Welcome to Indy!
Here are a few pictures from our plane ride to Indianapolis
Me and Dallin
Mom and Sarah (definitely a huge help having them come along)
Claire, definitely enjoying herself! Luckily the flights weren't full so I was able to bring her car seat on board. A total LIFESAVER!
I know this picture is blurry, but it was the only documentation we got of us entering our new lives in Indy!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:15 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday Blues
Just missing my girlies back home... LOVE YOU ALL!
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:56 PM