This year, Valentine's day was pretty low key. Dallin got to bring valentines to school but without candy.. I know lame. So, I found some cute printable ones off pinterest for him. We had heart shaped pizza for dinner, and Andy brought me and Claire home a single rose. Seriously so cute! I got a new CD and I bought Andy tickets for us to go see the Indianapolis Symphony! The kids each got little prizes too!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
So big!
Delaney is growing up TOO FAST! She reminds me so much of her brother, always wanting to be facing out, held up,standing up, sitting up.. can't miss any of the action. She started sitting in her bumbo seat and loves it! She has even given me a few adorable giggles lately. She is 11 weeks old now, time has flown. We love her lots!
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:52 PM
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Super Bowl!
This year was especially exciting for us. The Patriots are our team, so of course we were pumped. Andy was able to get his hands on a ticket, which basically has been a dream for him. He just her to drive down town since the game was here in Indy (so awesome!). He also was able to attend some private corporate parties and meet some hot shots! I stayed home with the kiddos and we had fun hanging in our team garb and eating junk food. Dallin is SOO into football, and loved watching. He didn't quite make it through the entire game. Too bad the Patriots didn't pull through though :( game
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:49 PM
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Big day yesterday at the Sylvia house. Dallin lost his first tooth! He is so darn cute. He couldn't wait to see what the tooth fairy left for him, so excited that he was up by 6 am! The next tooth is hanging on by a thread. I can't believe it took so long for him to lose, considering he got his first tooth at 3 months old!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:36 PM
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Our new house in Indy!
I realized I never posted about our new house. I dont have any pics of the inside, but here is a look at the outside. We dont have a fence (pretty much ALL the houses here in Indiana dont) but our backyard neighbors are awesome! We are on a corner lot, so there is tons of common area before you hit the road, which makes for even more play. I thought I would worry about no fence, but actually it hasn't been an issue. Especially since we have a swingset, the kids just migrate around that!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:14 PM
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
There two are a hoot. Sure wish they didn't fight all the time... but I am hoping this gets better with age!!
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:40 PM
Utah visit
I took a quick trip to Utah over the weekend to show off sweet Laney Bug, and get a chance to meet my newest nephew Graham. I decided to make the trip a surprise to my sister, which was soo much fun. My mom picked me up from the airport and we went right over to her house. went in first, and about a minute later I just busted open the door holding Delaney. My sister flipped out, such a priceless moment. I couldn't wait to hold my twin nephews again, which by the way have grown so much in the 2.5 months since I saw them. I was able to spend some lots of time with them, my in-laws, my nieces/nephews, as well as squeeze in a girls night. Time always goes by too quickly when I visit, I sure wish I could stay a whole week or two next time... whenever the next time will be :( Here are lots of pics from the trip!
Posted by
Ashley S.
11:01 AM
Back in business
So I recently discovered the Blogger app on my phone, which means I can re-enter the blogging world. I take almost all my pics on my phone, and so I never want to blog on the computer without the pics. Now I can just click on the app, upload a photo or two and poof... blog updated. I'm excited, stay tuned!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:42 AM