Sunday, February 17, 2008

My little man

I went and got Dallin's 18 month pictures a few weeks ago, and here is one of the adorable poses we got. He is such a little boy. His cute 6 month old cousin Lyla came too, and we got some darling pictures of them together also. Sorry about the quality of this pic, I actaully took a picture of the picture... I know what you are thinking... but our scanner is not hooked up yet and I wanted to post this picture. Anyway, to update you on my little cutie pie... He is still talking like CRAZY. You will never believe this either. A few days ago, he was walking up the stairs to go see Papa and as he was crawling up them he decided that he was going to count to EIGHT. Yup that is right, EIGHT. I didnt believe my dad when he told me, but the next day he did it for me. Now he is out of control counting to eight. He is a genius. I am hoping to get a video of it soon so you all can see! On another note, his two year old molars are cutting through, so we are dealing with him not eating anything, and constantly drinking. (oh and not to mention his fingers constantly in his mouth). I cannot wait for the weather to warm up so we can go outside. My sister in law Lacy and I have taken the kids swimming indoors a few times and they love it. This summer will be so much fun with Dallin. Well until next post.


Becca Jane said...

Holy COW, Genius Boy! That is SO impressive! I seriously can't wait to watch where this kid ends up!

Trujillo family said...

That is amazing! It is so much fun watching them grow and learn knew things! He looks so much like you Ashley! He is adorable in that picture!!

The Green's said...

He is so big! I can't believe he can count to eight!

KRISTINA said...

He is so cute... he looks like a big boy.. he isn't even two yet and he looks so mature.