Okay so for those who dont know, I had the "perfect pregnancy" with Dallin. (well minus the 50 or so pounds i gained) I was never sick, and I loved being pregnant! So far this pregnancy has been the total opposite. I am sick every day all day. None of this "morning" sickness crap, I am lucky if it is only in the morning. Fortunately, I havent thrown up yet... trust me I feel like I need to it just doesnt come. I feel like I am car sick all day, I am so tired and I just want to eat because it is the only thing that seems to help any. This is what I am hoping it all means. I am totally a huge believer in superstitions, and karma and all that jazz so this is my philosophy.
Dallin's pregnancy=
-easy pregnancy
-hard delivery
-hard newborn
This pregnancy=
-hard pregnancy
-easy delivery
-easy newborn
Now wouldnt that be nice. I endure 9 months of yucky sickness for the sweetest most easy going little girl. I guess we shall see! I go to my first Doctor's appointment tomorrow. I am excited to see how far along I really am because I am not really sure. I will let you all know how it goes.
Monday, October 27, 2008
What is this feeling?
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:55 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
San Diego
Well we had a great time on our little vacation to San Diego. We decided to drive because now that Dallin is over 2, we would have had to buy a plane ticket. It ended up not being too bad of a drive because we stayed over night in Vegas on the way down and Mesquite on the way back. Dallin slept some, watched some movies and listened to a lot of music! We rented a cute beach house just 2 blocks from the beach. It was perfect for us and my parents who also came down. We went to Sea world, the Zoo, the Beach a few times, and ate lots of yummy food! It was quite hard with Dallin because he didn’t really get naps, and bedtime was hard because he didn’t want to fall asleep by himself. Otherwise it was a good time. Our beach house supplied bikes, boogie boards, beach equipment etc. so we were all set up for good times on the water. Andy and I had fun boogie boarding even though we were like the only ones not in wet suits! Oh well, you cant not get in the ocean when you visit even if it is freezing cold. We had Dallin tell my parents while we were at Sea world that “he was going to be a big brother” They were really excited. Overall it was fun to get away for a week, and Andy got a break from school and work.
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:34 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
We're Growing!
That's right, you guessed it. We are having baby #2. We are so excited, and nervous all at the same time. It has been quite the journey getting to this point. Here is a brief summary of events:
*it started out with me not having a monthy cylce for over 6 months (kind of a necessity when trying to conceive)
*I went to my OB to get some tests done, we soon determined I have Hashimoto's Disease which we figured linked to my infertility
*I got treated for my thyroid issue, but still no cycle
*after 10 months total now, I saw my OB again to discuss further options
* I was prescribed Prevera and CLOMID!
* I filled my Prevera (manually start my cycle) but bought a pregnancy test just one more time to be sure. THis was probably my 10th test.
* Came home and took the test before starting my pills
* The test revealed a FAINT line. I immediately went into some sort of shock period
* I called Lacy and sent her a picture text of the test for a second opinion, and went and bought a second test which again, had a faint line
* the next day at work I got a blood test to confirm that I truly was Prego!
And that is how the events unfolded leading to this wonderful event. I am so happy that I didnt have to deal with the whole infertility battle with CLomid and In Vitro and all that Jazz. I am just happy to be at this point. My official Due Date is May 26, which puts me at just about 9 weeks. I go for my first appointment next week, so we will see if the due date is accurate or not. Yeah!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:32 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Game 6...... barely
Well it is no mystery that Andy and I are HUGE Boston Red Sox fans. Our season was just about over in the 7th inning of last night's game. We are in California right now, so we werent able to watch the whole game. We saw that we were down 7-0 in the top of the 7th while we were at dinner, and when we turned it on after we got home we were surprised to see it was 7-4. Still, we were not confident. Little did we know we were going to experience one of the greatest post season comebacks ever. We ended up with a tie game going into the bottom of the 9th (love the drama). Well you know what happened (for those who dont JD Drew hit a fly out to right field which brought home Youk) We totally pulled it off. Lets just say that it was awesome and now we can atleast see one more Sox game this year (hopefully more)I know you are wondering when I became a baseball junkie. Lets just say that I have learned to love it over the years! Oh and we are having a blast in Cali, and I will post more pics when we get back on Sunday!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:01 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A day at the park and "look at those curls"
Here is the cutest picture of Dallin! I decided to grow his hair out, and it is finally getting past the really awkward stage. Now he has these adorable blonde curls and of course the "wings"
Love this picture of my sidekick, Lacy and her cute Lyla!
Such a little stud!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:13 PM
A Beautiful New Life
I had to post a picture of my best friend Katie's newest addition. Introducing Mr. Bradley Stephen Foster. He is 10 days old now, and just the cutest little bundle of joy. Oh and he is spitting image of his older sister Audrey. Congrats guys!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:08 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
President Who?
So today during Conference I was trying to teach Dallin who President Monson was. He would not say his real name no matter how many times I asked. All he would say was "President Monster". So funny. It probably helps that his favorite movie is Monsters Inc.!
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:21 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Terrible 2's = understatement
Its official. The joyous phase we all dread has now made its debut into our lives. Dont get me wrong, we have had our share of tantrums for quite some time now, but just recently has it become truly "terrible". You hear about it from family members, or Nanny 911 (hopefully I am not at that point of rescuing yet!). The embarrassing display of screaming, kicking, throwing themselves down on the ground... all such pleasant sites! I have been told that when I was 2, I was a fiery red headed bundle of trouble. I guess Dallin is taking after his mommy minus the red hair. I know it is just a phase, so I try not to dwell on it too much. Sometimes the exhaustion of trying to discipline him all day sets in and I soon reach a point of anger (which as a mom is not the funnest feeling towards your own child) This is when I have to take a deep breath and leave the situation all together! Here is my conclusion about tantrums as it pertains to Dallin.
a. He is only doing it for attention. Most of the time when I am down playing with him, or we are out doing something fun he is just the cutest bundle of joy! Only when I am busy doing something that doesnt involve him or when he is bored does he have a major breakdown. I try and find a balance between his time and my time to avoid these issues. He does however do really well when we are out running errands, which is why I love going out! We tend to just walk around stores in the jogging stroller with snacks and we are golden. It is a good way to spend a few hours in the day.
b. He responds best when I either ignore him, or completely change the subject. I have to be selective on my "time outs" or he doesnt really react.
c. He acts our more when he is tired or hungry. Night time and right before dinner are the two most common times for this.
This phase has been the hardest for me so far. Although I think Dallin is so fun right now, and I love how creative he is and fun and loving, it is definitely the hardest age so far. I would rather be sleep deprived every night then feel emotionally exhauseted. Sometimes I just get so frustrated and tired of trying to discipline him I wonder if it is worth it. I know in the long run it is, but in the moment I am just so mad at myself for letting it get so out of hand. I often wonder if it has anything to do with my parenting abilities, or if every 2 year old boy has such aggression. Who knows. All I know is that I hope this phase is over soon, because I know how sweet and adorable Dallin is and I just want him to shine!!! And to think I want another child to throw in the mix of all this craziness. Maybe my crazy body is trying to tell me something by not allowing "things" to happen the way I always thought they would. Oh well. There is a song on the radio right now by Jordan Sparks called "one step a time" I love the words to this song, and feel it relates to my life right now. Here are some of the words
Hurry up and wait so close yet so far away
everything that you've always dreamed of
close enough for you to taste but you just cant touch
You wanna show the world but no one knows your name yet
wondering when and where and how you're gonna make it
you know you can if you get the chance
in your face and the door keeps slamming
now you're feeling more and more frustrated
and you're getting all kind of inpatient, waiting
we live and we learn to take
one step at a time, theres no need to rush
its like learning to fly or fallin in love
its gonna happen and its supposed to happen
that we find the reasons why, one step at a time
Love that song. Obviously that pertains to other parts of my life too, not just the terrible 2s although its a good lesson for me to take it one step at a time and one day a time with Dallin! Thanks for listening to me ramble!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:15 PM