It seriously breaks my heart that Claire is 8 months already. I think what makes me most sad is I cant say for sure that we will have more children. I just want her to stay little so I can really soak in this phase in her life. Claire, however, has other plans in mind. Here are a few milestones she's made in the last few months...
-she started crawling YESTERDAY
-she can pull herself up in her crib (I about had a heart attack the first time i walked into her room and saw her leaning over the edge.. phew.
-she weighs a whopping 18 lbs 11 oz
-she has four top teeth and two bottom teeth, and cutting two more
-she can say "da da" and "ba ba"
-she loves clapping and waving
-she eats anything, and would much rather have regular food than baby food
-I finally suceeded at weaning her from her 2 am feeding.. sigh
-she LOVES her daddy and makes the cutest scrunchy face when she sees him
-but she is definitely a mommas girl all the way
-bath time is pure joy to her
-she thinks Dallin is the greatest, and laughs all day long at him (BTW Dallin is pretty fond of her too)
-her hair has finally grown to pony tail capacity!
Friday, February 19, 2010
8 months baby!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:35 AM
My sleepy kids
Claire's cheeks get SOOO rosy when she is tired! She is so cute, and this is what she looks like when it is way past her bed time....
This picture was taken when Dallin was sick last week. He didnt really move from the couch for two days, which is sooo unlike him. He was fighting so hard to keep his little eyes open. I told him, "You can just close your eyes if you are tired". His response was, "but I cant see with my eyes closed". Adorable.
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:26 AM
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Our new chapter begins....
So long our lovely home....
I am happy to say that we found renters for our home. Although it will be sad to leave I am very excited for this new chapter in our lives. We decided a few months ago after hearing of an amazing deal on apartments through Andy's work that we would rent our house out and move. We knew it was risky, and there was no guarantee that we would find a renter, but we went the first day and put a deposit down on the apartment anyway, knowing we had to take the chance. It has been a very stressful few months for us, money has been tight, and things were so unpredictable. We took the house off the market during the holidays and reposted it the end of January. We had a bit of interest, but nothing serious. Knowing that the move-in date for the apartment was rapidly approaching, we made a price reduction to try and generate more interest. Well it worked, and we had two applicants in two days. We debated between the two and ended up picking a nice professional couple with two teenage children. We feel really good about our selection, and will be signing the lease with them on Saturday. We will be moving out on March 18! I am excited that we will be saving hundreds of dollars each month, money we can finally start putting away! i can finally feel good about having gone part time at work, and Andy can feel less pressure as well. All and all it will be a good thing for our family! So with that said... Bring on the packing.
Posted by
Ashley S.
3:45 PM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sick little dude
Our weekend consisted of....
-Two visits to the doctor
-One vistit to the hospital for a chest xray
-Lots of medicine
-refilling the humidifier
-wiping and enless dripping nose
-listening to non-stop coughing (poor thing, had hardly a voice left)
-lots of cuddling with mom
-3 days of kids shows/movies
-constant use of hand sanitizer
Basically, we had one poor sick little dude, and he is still not doing too hot.
Luckily (for Andy's sake), Andy's parents volunteered to come sit at the house with Dallin on Sunday so we could go enjoy watching the superbowl with Andy's brothers. What great in-law's I have, right? Dallin really enjoyed the time with Grammy and Granddad (as usual). I thought Dallin was getting a bit better as of last night, but when he woke up in the night with his fever/chills and oh so awful sounding croup cough I was quickly reminded that he was not better yet. Poor thing, I have never seen him like this EVER, he usually handles sickness very well and his hardly phased. I know he is not feeling well when he stays cuddled up in his blanke on the couch for the majority of the day. Now I just pray that my little Claire doesn't catch it... but I know that is wishful thinking.
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:12 AM