We've officially moved. It's sorta sad, although I really am loving the new place. I have tons more living space, which seems weird considering we downsized a bit. You see at our townhouse we had two smaller living areas, one which was downstairs and we hardly went down there. The new place has just one larger living area, and no stairs (can I say what great timing on our part as far as Claire goes). I have closets and cupboards that I am struggling to fill, so that's a plus. Dallin says to me the other day....
"I hate our old house... it was sooooo boring"
Well I guess we know where he stands on the subject.
Claire just crawls around giggling all day long, she loves the freedom to go wherever, and I love the freedom for her to go wherever as well!! I should get video of her laugh, seriously its so funny and she does it pretty much all day long. Happy little thing. Speaking of her, she is just dying to walk... all 19.5 lbs of her. she stands alone now for long periods of time and when she crawls she uses the bottom of her feet instead of her knees (does that make sense?) Maybe I should get a video of that too!
Today is Andy's birthday, 28 big ones! Happy Birthday babe! Love you!
Dallin is home sick today, throwing up. Poor guy, he was devastaed cuz Andy was supposed to go with him to school for a party but he threw up on the way so he turned around and took him home. Now he is home waching movies with Grammie.. I sure wish I could be there with him!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Some randomness...
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:31 PM
Friday, March 19, 2010
Movin Time
Well we got the keys to our new place yesterday, so we spent the majority of the day moving boxes/bins over. Today while I am at work Andy will be bringing more loads over, and tomorrow we will move all the furniture. Wow how I hate moving, although its really forced us to become organized. We have donated tons of stuff to DI, and will be selling a few more items on KSL so thats a plus. Its amazing how much stuff a small family can accumulate over almost 6 years. I haven't really had much emotion about the move yet, mostly I was just excited for the money we will be saving. Yesterday, however, I started to get a little sad as we started slowly emptying our house out. We lived there almost 3 years, pretty much most of Dallin's life. We will miss being able to walk out our front door and hang out with neighbors at the playground, or be able to ride bikes around the common areas. I know the new place will bring new adventures, especially since we will be just a short walk down to the Jordan River where we can ride bikes, go for walks and feed the ducks! It will all work out, I know, and we will be happy wherever we are! Well, I will post some pictures after we get settled!
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:25 AM
Friday, March 12, 2010
I wanted to shout out to my bunco group and say how much I love these girls. It started out as a bunch of girls who lived in the same neighborhood, and now a year later we have become such great friends I debated about whether to leave the group when we moved but am glad I decided not to. We have such a fun group, each girl offers something different and we always have such a blast each month! I am glad I have made such great friends and will be able to keep in touch with all of you after I move!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:25 AM
Swing into Spring
With spring approaching we have had some warm days here and there. We have taken full advantage of them and playing outside as much as possible! I set up a play date for Dallin with his little friend Cameron, which was tons of fun! Claire enjoyed her time with a litte swing action (her first time by the way and she loved every minute)
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:19 AM
Weekend Getaway
We ventured down to St. George with Andy's parents a couple of weekends ago for a quick getaway. It ended up raining most of the time, but it was still nice to get out break from the normal routine. We ate lots of yummy food, went swimming, miniature golfing and of course, shopping! The kids were great in the car and Dallin thought the hotel was the greatest thing on earth... especially his "big bed, the same size as mommy and daddys!"
The first night we drove around to find a park for Dallin to play at. We ended up at Dixie State and found their soccer field. The gates were open so we took full advantage of that and went and played on the field. Oh boy, was Dallin in HEAVEN. He was running around like no tomorrow, and was so excited to be able to play on a real field and kick into a real goal.
After playing soccer we noticed there was a baseball game going on across the street so we went and watched Southern Utah University play against Utah Valley University for a bit! Again, Dallin lovin his life!
Miss Claire being adorable as usual!
Dallin showing off his mad mini golf skills. Boy does this kid love all things sports! Like father like son!
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:05 AM
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
An answer... maybe?
I have posted before about Dallin's sleeping issues, how he wakes up 2-3 times every night. Well, about 6 months ago I took him to an ENT specialist to get his tonsils checked out because we thougth maybe he had obstructive sleep apnea. This condition causes them to stop breathing, and gasp during the night often waking them up. They are usually restless all night, and rarely enter the deep REM sleep. Well, the ENT visit left us with no answers because he said that Dallin's tonsils didnt look enlarged. I basically never thougth much about it again, and just figured him waking up was just behavioral. Now we will switch modes for a minute and talk about another issue that we have noticed with Dallin lately. We started noticing that he talks quite loud and is ALWAYS asking us to repeat what we are saying. Again, I never thought much about it, just figured it was a normal 3 year old behavior to always ask "what?" Lately, however, Andy and I have really felt that it was a problem, and we really feel like he has a hard time hearing. So yesterday I had to take Claire to the Doctor because she had an ear infection and I decided to mention this probelm to her. I was quite shocked when she told me that kids who have excess fluid behind their ears often times have difficulty hearing because sounds tend to be muffled due to the fluid. She looked in his ears and sure enough he had fluid behind both of them. She told me that the solution for this problem was to remove the tonsils and adeniods because this helped with the drainage. I went on to remind her of the sleep issues we were having with Dallin and how he snores and often gasps, is restless and wakes up mulitiple times during the night. She assured me that he truly must have sleep apnea, even though his tonsils aren't enlarged. Hello? Is this seriously happening right now? Is this the problem we have been dealing with for over 3 years now? Anyway, she wants us to get his tonsils and adenoids out and hopefully we can cure his hearing problem and sleeping problem... kill two birds with one stone. HOORAY! I am nervous though, like any mom who's child will be undergoing surgery would be.
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:23 AM