Friday, March 19, 2010

Movin Time

Well we got the keys to our new place yesterday, so we spent the majority of the day moving boxes/bins over. Today while I am at work Andy will be bringing more loads over, and tomorrow we will move all the furniture. Wow how I hate moving, although its really forced us to become organized. We have donated tons of stuff to DI, and will be selling a few more items on KSL so thats a plus. Its amazing how much stuff a small family can accumulate over almost 6 years. I haven't really had much emotion about the move yet, mostly I was just excited for the money we will be saving. Yesterday, however, I started to get a little sad as we started slowly emptying our house out. We lived there almost 3 years, pretty much most of Dallin's life. We will miss being able to walk out our front door and hang out with neighbors at the playground, or be able to ride bikes around the common areas. I know the new place will bring new adventures, especially since we will be just a short walk down to the Jordan River where we can ride bikes, go for walks and feed the ducks! It will all work out, I know, and we will be happy wherever we are! Well, I will post some pictures after we get settled!