We decided to get some family pictures with the whole Sylvia Family. We were in need of a good couple of shots, and with us leaving it seemed like a great time! We headed out to the ever so popular Wheeler Farm on a HOT HOT HOT August afternoon. We ended up getting some good pictures, but the kids weren't always looking or smiling! Oh well, what do you expect!!
Here is the whole Clan.
The Grandkids
L-R Dallin, Claire, Ellie, Grey and Lyla
The only decent family picture of us... oh well it's not too bad
The Sylvia Brothers. Aren't they a handsome little trio?
Miss Claire strutting her stuff. Didn't get any great ones of her but that's okay, she had her own photo shoot just the month before (which I still need to post)
Big "D"
Grammie and Granddad. These kids A-D-O-R-E their grandparent's. My kids are absolutely going to miss these two when we move :(
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Extendend Family Pictures... The Sylvia Clan
Posted by
Ashley S.
5:09 PM
Friday, August 13, 2010
And now for the big announcement....
(no I am not pregnant)
I know, it's a shock to most of you. I am still trying to absorb it all. Andy got a new job, his "dream" job basically. Although it will be sad to leave everyone, it is going to be a great opportunity for our family. I will be able to stay home full time with the kiddos, and am excited for this new journey. More to come.
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:08 AM
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The chillins...
Here are some recent pictures of the kids that I felt were too cute to not share!
So, this is Claire's typical hair-do after about 30 seconds of being anywhere. She will NOT keep any bow, elastic or head band on. I try every day, but to my dismay she continues to win that battle.
Big D at the zoo! So handsome, I know.
Claire also at the zoo looking cute as ever... yes I am bragging.
Lately Dallin hasn't been napping consistently, only when I know we need to stay out a bit later than usual. Lots of times though he ends up zonking out on the couch for a cat nap while watching TV. Hilarious!
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:54 PM
I am loving that Dallin is old enough to have his own "friends". He is such a social kid as I have mentioned before, so any time we are able to get together with friends we are all over it!!
Dallin and Lyla- These two are cousins just a year apart! They are awfully fond of eachother, and I hope they grow up to be great friends!
Dallin and David- Our neighbor is just a few months older than Dallin. These two would play together every second of every day if we would let them. Dallin wakes up asking if he can "play with David". They play on the same soccer team and together they are one awesome duo!
Dallin and David again (pre-hair cut. Can you even stand those curls? Adorable)
Dallin and Kelan- My good friend Kristina's son (twin brother Kole not pictured) Last time we got these two together they were so cute together! It's funny how some kids just take to other kids!
Dallin and Miss Audrey- My bestest friend ever Katie's daughter has been in Dallin's life since the moment he was born. They love to play together, and although age and gender is causing a bit of challenge lately, they still have fun together!
Posted by
Ashley S.
11:25 AM
Claire's 1st Birthday
It's time I finally got around to blogging about Claire's Birthday (in June). We had a fun pool party planned but the weather had something else in mind.. so at the last minute I had to move the party inside. It was still a great time, Claire was in heaven over her new toys, especially the pink car. Can I even tell you how excited she was when she saw that thing... seriously people. Pure joy. I themed her party with cupcakes, and had this cool cupcake cake made (wow that was a lot of use of the work "cake" just then) She got her own smash cake, which she was hesitant about at first. After a little coaxing from mom you can see she was able to partake plenty on her own!! I am so in love with this girl, she is sweet, funny, cuddly, smart, BUSY, and always smiling. Happy Birthday!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:42 AM