Work so far has been amazing. I feel like I am there just enough to get out of the house, spend time with my lovely co workers and do a little life saving. Claire has handled being away from me just fine, which was the thing I was most concerned about. She takes the bottle like a champ and goes down easily for her naps. Dallin is absolutely LOVING preschool and he practically runs in every time! All in all the "back to work" thing has all been relatively easy. The PCMC clinic at Riverton is opening in November and for those who dont know I will be working out there. It will be a good change of pace and of course it is closer to our house so my commute cuts in half. I'm excited but nervous, because running a brand new clinic will definitely have its challenges!
On another note, I took Dallin in for his 3 year checkup today. I cant believe he is so old, it still boggles my mind. He weighs 32 lbs. which puts him right in the 50%. He is 38" which is the 75%. I was glad to hear he is growing well. I talked with the doctor about his sleep problems (he wakes up 2-3 times every single night). She referred us to go see an ENT to look at his tonsils and adenoids. Sometimes they are enlarged which causes obstructive sleep apnea. Basically they stop breathing in the night, and then it wakes them up... They never really get into the deep REM sleep and then they become super hyperactive during the day as a result. All of the signs (including mouth breathing and snoring which he does most of the time) make the doctor suspicious. I guess it is pretty common and removing them is the only cure. Most of these kiddos have a great response and the sleeping problems usually resolve. I am anxious to see what the ENT says. Is it bad to say I hope that he does have this problem so that it can be fixed. I sure would like a good nights sleep sometime soon! I will let you all know what the doc says next wednesday!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Update on reality
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:15 PM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tribute to my kiddos
I am sitting here at 6:30 am updating my blog because I am headed off to work today. I got ready a bit faster then I thought, so I wanted to take this time to say some things about being a mom. I am so blessed to have two amazing and absolutely beautiful children. They are so smart and loving and I couldn't ask for anything else. At times Dallin is quite a challenge, but at the end of the day he is still the sweet cuddly little smarty pants that I love! Claire has started laughing and is starting to reveal her own sweet personality. I cannot believe she is 3 months old and it is time for me to head back to work. I am so grateful that I was able to cut down to part time so my kids get more time with Mommy!
Posted by
Ashley S.
6:41 AM
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I love tummy time...
Well for about 20 seconds maybe. Can you even stand those huge brown eyes? I sure love this little girl.
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:22 PM
Claire's Blessing
We blessed Claire last Sunday. She looked so beautiful, and it was a great day to celebrate with all our friends and family. Even though the majority of our family does not share the same faith, they were all there bright and early at 9:00 to help honor Claire on her special day. We are so fortunate to have such loving and supportive families! Andy gave a wonderful blessing and we enjoyed visiting afterwards with everyone. Here's a few pictures of my darling girl.
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:12 PM
Friday, September 4, 2009
back to work
Well my twelve weeks of maternity leave will soon be over. Oh how interesting it has been being home every day with the kids. I have always worked, so it was quite a new experience for me spending every day home, not to mention most of the days Andy was at school and work so he wasnt home to help much. Of course I have loved every minute of it, and I am very sad to leave my kiddos and head back to work. The good news is I was able to pull some strings and cut back from working 3 12 hour shifts to working only 2 now. I am so excited because now I can have more time at home, and the kids dont have to be watched another day by their oh so amazing grandmas!! Dallin starts preschool on tuesday, the same day I start back to work. I will be working tuesdays and fridays which are Dallin's school days. I figured it would be easier for the sitters to only have him for a half day now that Claire in n the picture!!! I hope everything works out financially for us so I can stay part time. I may throw in a 5-10 pm shift starting in October for a few more hours. I will say that I am pretty excited to go back to work because I really truly love my job. I have the greatest co-workers on the planet, and I really enjoy working with all the adorable kids at the hospital. Working two days seems ideal for me, because I get the best of both worlds!!
Posted by
Ashley S.
11:38 AM