Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I just thought I might let you all know that I have been experiencing something quite new for the last two weeks... a full night's sleep. For those who don't know, I have been blessed with 17 months of sleepless nights. Dallin woke up every two hours for the first three months of life. Then it tapered down to every three to four hours. When we stopped feeding him a bottle at 12 months, we had to find other strategies to get him back to bed. He is not a cuddler, so rocking did not work. We attempted the co-sleeping, which sometimes worked except the only one sleeping was Dallin (his feet were always pressed up against either Andy or me). So, about two weeks ago I decided to cut back Dallin's sleep during the day. For those who have kids, you know this is a very hard thing to do. Nap time is one of the day's greatest pleasures for moms. Well, believe it or not, Dallin has slept through the night EVERY SINGLE NIGHT since (exept for christmas which does not count because he was all messed up with so much excitement). So now we are on the one nap a day schedule, which really isnt all that bad after all!


Foster Mom said...

I'm so glad that you blog! And I'm sorry about the nap thing, I swear those are the biggest adjustments...for us! My neghbors kids doesn't even take naps, I don't know how she lives her life!

k, love ya bye!

Carly said...

Yay, Ash! That is fantastic. I'm so happy for you. Way to go, Dallin.

Becca Jane said...

That would be frustrating! I'm glad he's finally sleeping all night!

Becca Jane said...
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