Well we could not pull it off today. We lost what we thought would be an easy win. At least we had fun all season, and today's game was pretty sweet. Andy scored us some fourth row seats, where ten of us got to enjoy the view. It was strage sitting in a different seat than normal, and we sure saw a lot more from down there. My friend Katie's hubby Travis caught a ball from a play, and this adorable picture shows just how huge game balls are. I am so used to Dallin's play sized footballs! Well, Until next year Blaze.
Oh, and P.S. Dal has worn his baseball hat every day for like a week. He is obsessed with it and freaks out if he is not wearing it. So funny!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
So long Blaze
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:08 PM
Tim McGraw Baby!!!
Last night I went with my friend Jenny and my sister-in-law Lacy to go see Tim McGraw! It was such a blast. We sat out on the lawn at Usana (which is really the best way to go if you ask me). There were tons of CRAZY people, us included, who just kicked back and rocked out to some of Tim's greatest hits. What a fun girls night out. He is so great in concert, and Usana has really great acoustics on top of that. Here are a few cute pics from the night!!!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:58 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I have come back from the dead
So I have been on my death bed the last few days and have sucked at blogging. I still havent put any pictures from our trip, and I am sure all of you are sick of reading posts without any pics to go along with them. Well, I apologize but I cant help it. I came down with the most nasty case of Strep Throat ever. It started with a 103.2 fever and crazy headache, then my throat hurt a little so I knew I should go into the doctor because I was scheduled to work the next day. My doctor looked at my throat and said it was gnarly, so he ran a culture. Sure enough it was positive. I havent had strep throat since I was like 10, and it sure is worse than I remember. The next day my throat hurt so bad and was full of these disgusting blisters, I cant even describe (i am sure you dont want me to either!!!). Basically, it sucked and I had to miss work. I hate being sick cuz I feel helpless. It is even worse when you have a child at home who demands a lot of attention. Luckily, my family rocks and came to take Dallin swimming a few times and I was able to take him to one of his babysitters for most of the day. I am feeling better now, thank goodness. Enough rambling.
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:37 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
A few more things.....
I forgot to mention that last night the Blaze won their last game of the season which clinched their position into the playoffs... GO BLAZE.... not too bad for a team who started out with an 0-9 record. We love going to the games, and Dallin is such a peach and has a fabulous time. So, Saturday at 2:00 is the game. Andy is going to be crazy busy this week selling tickets, but should hopefully rack in some dough! On another note, I got a calling today for the Relief Society Board. I am really excited, I love relief society and we just got a whole new presidency. It should be a lot of fun, and gives me an opportunity to really get to know some of the sisters. I have only served in Nursery since Andy and I have been married, so I was way happy to get called to something different.
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:57 PM
We're home
So sorry I have slacked on updating my blog. We had a great time on our mini vacation getaway, and I will post pictures soon, I am too tired tonight. We loved being able to getaway for a few days without the crazyness of being a parent. The resort was amazing and we were treated like celebreties most of the time. It was almost awkward. We got lots of sun, and I got pampered at the spa and Andy got some time on the golf course. Overall it was great. Be patient and hopefully tuesday when I am off work I will post our pictures. Unitl then....
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:50 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Once in a lifetime
So you know how people win great things on TV or off game shows and all of us losers at home think, man wouldnt that be great if that ever happened to me? Well, something pretty cool happened to us. No, we didnt win the lottery or even get chosen to go on some crazy reality TV show. We were given the opportunity to take a romantic getaway to San Martin, California, which is about 30 miles south of San Jose. One of the Blaze players that Andy is good friends with won a golf tournament recently. He received a two night stay at a luxurious resort nesteled in the hills of San Martin. The package included two rounds of golf and two spa packages. Sounds great, right? Well, because the Blaze is busy ending their season, this friend of Andy's was not able to use the package that expires the end of the month. He gave it to Andy. That is right, he GAVE it to Andy. Now the thing you arent getting is how AMAZING this place is. Just to give you an idea, to stay there ONE night normally is between $700-900. To play one round of golf is aroun $400. We had to get work off, book our flights, make arragements for Dalin, and find an availablility at the resort, but we were able to do it all. We leave this Sunday and come home Wednesday. It will be nice because we will get to go stay one night with my aunt and uncle who I dont get to see very often. They live just north of San Francisco (which is where we are flying into). Oh and of course we had to incorporate some sort of sporting event into the equation.... you know my hubby.... so Sunday we will be going to the San Francisco Giants vs. Oakland A's baseball game. It will be a blast. I am so excited to finally get a vacation alone with my cute hubby. Don't get me wrong, I will miss Dallin tons and am really nervous to leave him, but I am looking forward to some relaxing and pampering for a few days. Well, sorry about the long post, but I had to share my excitement. Here is a link to the resort so you can take a look if you would like. I will take lots of pictures and post when we get back!
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:08 PM
Friday, June 6, 2008
Say What?
I have no voice. Day three..... still no voice. I want to die, and am so tired of trying to communicate normally. Luckily I only had to work one of the three days so I didnt have to try and answe phones, or page the radiologist overhead, or even call out patient's names. I have been sick now for a week, but had started feeling better the last few days or so. I guess my voice was the last thing to get struck with the illness. Did I mention I want to die? Oh and for those who are interested in knowing, I went and got more blood work on Wenesday for my thyroid and should hopefully be hearing back from the doctor today or Monday. Wish me luck. As for my voice... I guess it is a waiting game now. Bye Bye
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:32 PM