Here is the most adorable picture of Dallin for our Christmas cards. I just had to share it.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Carrie Underwood
Andy once again got some tickets for Carrie Underwood, and being the wonderful husband he is he gave them to me to use with three of my girlfriends! We had such a blast, and escaped for a night full of yummy steak fries from Red Robin and great music by Carrie. It was a well needed Girl's night out for all of us, especially Katie who is adjusting to having two kids now that baby Brad has arrived! Carrie performed great but I didnt expect anything less. After all, she did win American Idol so we knew she would be great live!!! Here's a couple pics of us girls! Thanks Katie, Jenny and Lacy for coming and making a really fun night!
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:22 PM
Transiberien Orchestra
Andy got us tickets to go see Transiberian Orchestra so we invited Kristina and Jared to come along. We met for dinner first at Tepanyaki which was AMAZING. I love any sort of Japanese/Chinese food and it was great to get out for a nice meal without a two year old to entertain. After dinner we headed off for the E-Center where we enjoyed the show. The Transiberian Orchestra for those who dont know is a combination of rock n roll, amazing singing and an extrodinary display of light shows. It was so fun! They combined a cute Christmas story with awesome christmas music both traditional and some of their own. Anyway, it was just a fun night out with the Francoms and we will for sure have to do that again!!
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:08 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Just some Babble
Well here's to 10 weeks! I feel like that sounds so much further then 9. I have been feeling a bit better during the days, but I am still extremely tired. Last night after I got home from work I felt sick and exhausted. I went and layed in my bed while Andy was putting Dallin down at 8:30 ish and I fell right to sleep. I guess it is just my body telling me I need rest! I am totally in the "fat" stage. You all know that phase, you know, you have a huge roll on your stomach which just makes it look like you are eating a few too many brownies!!! They say by 12 weeks my uterus will rise above my pelvic bone and I might actually start looking more pregnant! I started really showing at 13 weeks with Dallin, so I think by next week I should start looking sort of prego! I actually love being pregnant, I love the pregnant belly, something about it is so wonderful to me! I should post a picture of me pregnant wiht Dallin. I got so big!!!! I took a belly picture every month starting at 13-14 weeks, so it was interesting to see the progress. I am so excited to find out what I am having this time. I was excited last time too, but for some reason the second time around it seems like I am more anxious. I am considering going to fetal photos at 14 weeks! Then we can seriously start thinking baby names, and decorating our 3rd bedroom (the most fun part really!) Oh and something totally not related to baby, but I am so thrilled about is I might be moving to a set work schedule. I know it doesnt seem like a big deal, but for over 2 years now I have been trying to plan my babysitters and appointments around my two days off which rotated every week. Last week I decided to go talk to my manager about having the same days off every week and she was suprisingly open to the idea. So, starting January I will have every Monday and Wednesday off! This is going to relieve so much stress for me, and now I can plan doctor appts. etc. months in advance and not have to worry about work!!! Yeah. Well enough babbling for now. Sorry there are no pics, I have been slacking on uploading them. Tonight I am going to the Carrie Underwood concert with Lacy, Katie and Jenny. We ar so excited and are in desperate need of a Girl's Night OUt! I will definately post pics from that!
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:02 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
June 17, 2009
This is the day my second baby will be born (or somewhere close to this date). I went for an ultrasound to determine my due date, and I my intuition was right, I was about 3 weeks off from my original due date. That's what you get when you mix crazy thyroid issues, tons of negative pregnancy tests, and suddenly a positive one! Oh well, I am actually very excited for a June baby. The timing for us could not be any better, and I am just happy that we were finally able to get pregnant without having to intervene. I got a cute ultrasound pic of the little bean, so I will try and scan it in soon. Sometimes I cant believe we are actually going to have another baby. It really freaks me out sometimes, but I am so excited and am looking forward to that next phase in our lives. Andy will be graduating right around that same time, so we are hoping he can score an amazing job which will allow me to cut back on work so I can be home most of the time with the little ones. Being a mom is the hardest but most rewarding thing I have ever experienced. I cant wait to meet this baby and watch it grow.
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:39 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
A due date, Please
So unfortunately I am not sure how far along I am in my pregnancy. I know it is anywhere from 9-12 weeks, but my cycles were so whacked that we arent going off of that. My first doctor's appointment was last tuesday and my doctor said she thought I was about 8 weeks. She set up an early ultrasound appointment for the 13th so we can finally set a due date. I wish they could have just done a quick ultrasound while I was at my appt. but my doctor's office isnt cool like that I guess!!! I cant wait for thursday to finally know, and I will be able to feel like I can relax and start better preparing. I am still feeling pretty crappy. I have some good days, which is nice. Mainly I am exhausted, and I have been going to bed about 8:30-9:00 every night if I can. I tend to get really sick about this time, so if I am sleeping I avoid it all together. If I keep food in my belly then I am usually okay! I will keep everyone updated!
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:09 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Festivities
We decided to try our hand at pumpkin carving this year. I was not sure how Dallin would react, but he actually had no interest in it whatsoever. Oh well, we had a good time!
I carved a spider which turned out better than I thought. The pumpkins only lasted like one day with the warm weather and they wilted out on our porch. Dont mind Nate being crazy in this picture!
We decided to dress up this year as Doctors. It was pretty fun, and we stayed dry in the rain with our adorable little hats.
Here is the cute little family. Dallin liked trick or treating this year. He was so cute going house to house getting yummy candy (for mom and dad of course)
Dallin and Lyla looking adorable. They were excited to get home so they could start eating some of their candy. Suckers were sure a hit!
Posted by
Ashley S.
3:42 PM