I decided to write a bit about my emotions, considering they are all over the place lately. I think it is a combination of pregnancy, the winter blues and just plain exhaustion. Any time I watch TV I cry.. it doesnt really matter what it is, I find something in every show that just touches me. I feel like I have so much inside to relate to every single thing I see (is that even possible?) I know that I am fine, and being emotional is normal, but lately it is more than just "pregnancy". We have gone through a lot the past few months with Andy losing his job, figuring out how to make ends meet and what to do with our lives. Luckily, thing have a way of working themselves out and Andy now has two very flexible part time jobs which allows him to still go to school (the best blessing ever). On another note, I feel like we are the most boring people ever, and my poor son is cooped up all day with a crazy mom. I used to not hate winter, but lately I am INSANE. What do other people do with toddlers during the winter with no money? I need suggestions, play dates, ANYTHING. I just cant wait for the sun to shine and get our butts outside. That brings me to my next topic... my butt. I am 20 weeks pregnant and have gained oh, I think 8 or so lbs. I think that is good but I feel like the biggest whale lately. I just want to go running or go join a gym or something... of course the timing couldnt be more off. All I know is after this baby is born I am seriously getting into shape and I mean seriously. Sorry for ranting on my blog, but I dont really get to express myself tons. As for the good things going on (which there are many) I get to go to my 20 week ultrasound tomorrow. Hopefully she is still a she and we dont have to go return loads of baby stuff. I am excited to find out about her health, and see her. Like I said, we are doing much better with the job situation, whcih is a huge stress releif. Anyways, hope you guys are not bored to death now after reading this. Thanks!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
1)write the rules on your blog 2)answer the 6 questions 3)let the people you tagged know by leaving a comment
8 Favorite TV shows
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. The Bachelor
3. True Beauty (these reality shows have got me hooked)
4. Adoption Story
5. Find Your Style
6. Cold Case
7. Design Star
8. John and Kate plus 8
8 Things I did yesterday
1. Worked
2. Ate dinner at my mom's house
3. Watched some of American Idol
4. Laid on the couch with Dallin and watched The Wizard of OZ
5. Fell asleep on the couch
6. Found out my cousin has a rare form of Leukemia
7. Woke up at 5:00 am
8. spent time with Dallin
8 Things I look forward to
1. Andy graduating
2. Getting out of debt
3. Our new baby!
4. Working less
5. Getting a bigger house some day
6. Losing weight after baby
7. Spending more time as a family
8. Andy getting a new job
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Chilis
2. Cafe Rio
3. Red Robin
4. Chin Wah
5. Macaroni Grill
6. Charlies Steakery (right Megg?)
7. Rumbi
8. The Pointe (at Huntsman Cancer Institute.. I know its weird but soo good)
8 Things on my Wish List
1. I could work less
2. I could lose weight... bad timing for this one
3. My baby is healthy
4. Dallin could sleep better at night
5. We could travel more
6. Andy could score a great job after graduation
7. I could have my house de-cluttered instantly!
8. Andy could sell his car
8 People I tag
1. Kristina
2. Keely
3. Lacy
4. Carly... come on it will give you a reason to post
5. Danielle
6. Jenny C
7. Katie
8. Becca W.
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:04 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
For those who are wondering how potty training is going, which I am sure most of you have lost sleep over it... ha ha, Dallin is a ROCK STAR. It has been over a week now since we started potty training and he has not had one accident (minus the one where his babysitter he goes to once a week didnt put a diaper on during nap so he messed his diaper while sleeping). I am so happy that this has turned out to be the easiest thing ever, which is so not what I expected. The words Dallin and Easy dont really go together!
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:51 PM
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
We're on the "Potty Train"
I decided it was probably time to potty train Dallin. He is almost 2 1/2, and he has been showing a lot of signs that he is ready. For the last few weeks while we were just home lounging around I would let Dallin run around either naked or in underwear. He was really good at going potty on his own, but I had never really cracked down and dedicated a few good days to it. This last weekend I made the decision to give it a go. We started Saturday morning and except for the first accident that very morning, it has been smooth sailing. I am so proud of my little man, and he is so proud of himself (which he should be). So far, it has been so easy and Dallin is taking to the idea wonderfully (I should not jinks it). I still put him in a diaper for naps and bed, but we went three full days of just underwear and he was dry all weekend. We even left the house for a bit on all three days which I was nervous for, but he was a trooper. Of course I had to go back to work today, so I am leaving it up to Andy and the Grandmas to take charge! GO DALLIN!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:55 AM