I thought I would document 25 random things about Dallin. I urge anyone to do it, it was a lot of fun.
1. He LOVES his "night night" and binkie
2. He still wakes up atleast once a night
3. His favorite food is sweet and sour chicken.
4. He potty trained in 1 day
5. He will sleep pretty much in any bed
6. He has an incredible memory. It just fascinates me.
7. He is obsessed with his Granddad (Andy's Dad). He is his most favorite person ever.
8. He has had all of his teeth since he was 1
9. He loves learning about new people, and places. He asks questions to everyone we meet and everywhere we go.
10. He plays better with older kids than younger ones
11. He was never a cuddly baby, but now he loves to lay on us when he is sleepy. It is my favorite thing.
12. He would be outside every second of every day if I let him
13. He is starting to "pretend" and I love his little imagination
14. He has to wear "comfy pants" for his nap and loves picking out his own PJ's at night
15. His favorite movies are: The Wizard of Oz, Monsters Inc., Kung Fu Panda, Ratatouille, Cars, and Mary Poppins.
16. He loves to help me clean the house, and is great at switching laundry
17. He hates to play by himself... therefore I hardly get anything done during the day.
18. He loves taking showers
19. He never sits still. I dont know how one kid could possibly have so much energy
20. He is very affectionate, always giving hugs and kisses... even to strangers
21. He is quite a picky eater, but LOVES breakfast. Sometimes he will eat two breakfasts.. one right when he wakes up, and another around 9:00.
22. He says the most hilarious things. Some of our favorite sayings are from him.
23. He is going to be a great big brother, and already loves baby Claire so much.
24. He cannot wait to go to school. In fact, he talks about "turning 3" every day and how excited he is because he gets to go to preschool.
25. He is just a delight to have as a son, and I cant imagine life without my little man. Love you Dal.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
25 random things about Dallin
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:01 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Lately after reading some of my friends blogs I have been pondering something that Andy and I often disagree on... the number of kids we want. Before we were married, or I should say before we had Dallin we both said we wanted 4 kids. I come from a small family and thought it would be so fun for my kids to have lots of siblings. After we had Dallin, Andy was sure that he only wanted one more. I disagreed, saying mainly that I could not know for sure that I was finished until after our second was born. Well like I said before, I have been reading some blogs seeing people doing all of these really fun things... skiing, going on vacations, hiking, etc etc etc. Basically doing all of the things I cant do because I am either pregnant or our kids are too young to do. The more I think about it, the more I just want two kids. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying this for selfish reasons only. Its not like I am dying to get back on the slopes or be "kid free" its just that I want to enjoy these kinds of things with my kids, not without them. That is the main reason we decided to have kids early. I seriously want to be an active family, camping, hiking, traveling, sports, basically anything fun and adventerous. Sometimes I feel like having more than two kids would limit our options basically because everything these days is so expensive. I had only one sister growing up, and because it was just the four of us we were very lucky to have 100% of our parents attention all the time. They came to every single one of our soccer games, out of town tournaments, and aside from all that, we went on one major vacation a year with my parents. How fun! I know we were lucky, and I just hope that I can share these wonderful times with my babies! Of course, I would love a house full of kids, especially when I am old. Those of you who have lots, or want lots that is awesome, and I commend you for doing so. I just know that for us, smaller is better! I guess after Claire is born I will re assess the situation, cuz you never know, there may be more in the cards for us!
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:12 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My big boy
I just wanted to take a minute and write about my cute litte guy. Lately, Dallin has been such a character and I feel like he is all grown up! He potty trained so well, which I am completely grateful for. Now I just need to work on taking away his binkie, which I am terrified for. Any suggestions are apprecitated. I just wanted to write about some funny things he has been doing lately. I wish I could remember everything, but here are a few examples. He will pull out a pretend phone and say either, "whats up man" or "Canyon Sports this is Dallin" (like his daddy does.) Then he continues to have pretty long conversations with whoever he is talking to. So funny. He also has such an amazing memory. He is totally aware of his surroundings and if we are driving he might say, "I want to go to the bagel store" as we are driving past Einsteins, or "lets go get rice and chicken" when he see's a Panda Express. He even knows what roads we are on, and where Target, Old Navy and the Bookstore are. His other favorite thing to do is get dressed up in whatever he can find, and then "go to work" or "go to school." This kid never seizes to amaze me. I just wanted to post a few cute pics we have taken of him lately, so enjoy.
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:18 PM
Its Belly Time
I figured it was time to post another belly shot. I am just about 23 weeks along, and I feel really good. I love feeling the baby move around in there, and I havent reached the really uncomfortable stage yet. I have been having tons of braxton-hicks though, which I dont really remember this early with Dallin. Oh well, as long as they are not real I dont really mind! This pregnancy has gone by really fast, and I cant believe I am over half way there!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:11 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Baby Names
I love talking about baby names. Even before I was pregnant it was always on my mind and I discussed it with friends all the time. Andy on the other hand had never been a huge fan on the discussion Well now that we know that we are having a baby girl, discussing names is more relevant. We definately have one that we like the most. I wont say we are 100% set on it yet, but let me just say I doubt it will be anything else! I am not much of a secret keeper so instead of not announcing the name until birth I will just let you all know that the name we have picked out for our little angel is Claire. We do have a middle name, but I will wait to inform you of that when she arrives. We had tons of names picked out, but Claire just seemed to be our favorite. I just think it is so classy and I just imagine a litte red-head running around. Ohh sooo cute. I cant wait to meet her.
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:15 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I had my 20 week ultrasound last tuesday, and things went wonderfully. She is definately still a girl (as you can tell by the ultrasound pic). Everything checked out great which was such a releif. I know most babies are born healthy, but working at Primary Childrens and seeing all the stuff I do I naturally was a bit nervous. It was so fun to see her squirming around in there. She loved putting her legs up above her head and practically sucking on her toes... hilarious. She is very active and I am loving feeling her move every day now. Anyway, things are going good on this end. I am so excited to decorate her room, I have it all planned out but cant really do anything until the end of the ski season when Andy clears out his business stuff from the bedroom. I Love knowing the sex of the baby so I can have plenty of time to bargain shop and have found some great deals on lots of clothes and bedding! I am going to have to post a belly shot soon, theres no denying that I am pregnant these days!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:55 AM