Today marks my last full day of work at Primary Children's Medical Center. I have worked there for 4 1/2 years and it has been AMAZING. I absolutely love my job and am so happy I took the risk and made a bold move when I started working there. I was absolutely TERRIFIED to be working at a Children's Hospital, only to soon find it was the best decision ever. If you are wondering, no I did not quit, yes I will still be working. Primary Children's opened a new outpatient clinic in Riverton, (not to be confused with the new hospital) The two are connected but offer totally different services. I decided to transfer to the Primary Clinic for a few reasons. First, it is closer to my house, and since I work 12 hour shifts a shorter commute was very appealing. Second, I was ready for a change of pace. The Hospital is very busy and fast paced, which is great, but again working long hours makes that very tiring on my body! I am very happy with my decision, and will still be working with the same Radiologists which is huge, and some of the my favorite people will be joining me at the Clinic. The good news is I am going to be working up at the Hospital every Wednesday night from 5-10 pm for some extra hours which means I still get to see some of my closest friends and keep in the loop. The Clinic opens bright and early Monday morning, but I wont be there till Tuesday! Yay!
Friday, October 30, 2009
So Long...
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:36 PM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Family Fotos
We decided it was time to get some family pictures while the weather was still nice. Our friends the Clayton's were AWESOME and helped us with the shoot. Eric has taken a liking to photography lately and we asked him to come out and take some pictures our family. He obviously did an amazing job, and Jenny edited all of them with her mad photoshop skills. Thank you guys so much for being so talented and offering to help with the pictures. I love the way they turned out, so here are a few to check out!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:51 PM
Happy Birthday to ME!
I turned 27 on October 19. Good times! I was considering putting down in my blog my 27 year old stats, you know, like we all do for our children. Weighting in at ____ that is where it stopped. Ha ha. Anyway, my birthday was fun, I celebrated with the in-laws on Sunday with cake and ice cream. Monday I enjoyed a yummy lunch with my girlies at my most favortie burger joint, eat-a-burger (thanks Jenny) and then went to dinner with my family and had cake and presents that night! Tuesday I got together with my girlfriends from high school at Red Robin and we celebrated both mine and Meghan's birthdays. WOW lots of food was involved in retrospect. I really cant believe I am 27, I think I always consider myself to be in my early 20's. One day I will realize I am old and wrinkly and saggy and all that good stuff.
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:06 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My bestest friend
*beware this is kind of sappy but I was just in one of those moods
My best friend Katie and I have been friends for years and years. When we were in high school we had that type of friendship where I went with them on family vacations, we had sleepeovers every weekend, out parents were eachothers second parents, you know that kind of friend. We have really stayed just as close as ever, and now with two kids each we still find time to get together as often as we can. Her oldest daughter Audrey is 4 and Dallin sure loves hanging out with her. Brad, her one year old and Claire I am sure will grow fond of eachother too. I just wanted to say how truly grateful I am to have such an amazing friend, someone who I still talk to every single day, tell everything to, and who just "gets" me. I love ya Kate!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:51 PM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Its been 4 months already?
Claire officially turned 4 months on the 11th! I seriously cannot believe she is that old, it makes me want to cry. If you are wondering, No she does not suck her thumb but her hands are constantly in her mouth so sometimes it ends up in there for a minute. I was able to snap this cute picture with her sucking her thumb. Here is a list of milestones Claire has reached so far:
* She weighs about 15 lbs (we go to the doc on monday for her official appointment)
* She rolls over from her back to her belly
* She is starting to giggle all the time and it is sooooo cute
* She is the happiest easiest baby, really only cries when she is tired and even then its hardly a "cry"
* She is cutting her first tooth as we speak, it it the bottom side tooth.. next to the front two... random
* She sleeps pretty well, usually only wakes up once a night around 4, sometimes it is twice but she is getting better
* She has to sleep in her swaddle blanket, otherwise her hands go crazy and she wakes herself up
* She loves talking and cooing
* She has discovered her feet, and LOVES to hold them all day long
* She started reaching for toys and sits up well with a bit of support to try and play with them
Overall the last 4 months have been so enjoyable. She really is such a delight, and she sure melts my heart over and over and over. We love our little muffin.
Posted by
Ashley S.
11:03 AM
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Some animals, some pumpkins and lots of duck poop..
That is what we encountered at our trip to wheeler farm today! My mother in law wanted to take the kids to pick out a pumpkin so we packed a lunch and headed over there to walk around. It turned into a beautiful day, and Dallin and Lyla sure had a blast together as usual running rampid through the grass (that is where the duck poop comes into play) After lunch we headed the pumpkin patch where the kids each picked out their favorite pumpkin. It was a fun day to say the least, oh except for the very end where my poor nephew Grey somehow slipped out of his buckles in his stroller and fell flat on his face onto the cement. It was sooo sad, but he ended up being just fine minus a scratch on his head.
Can someone please tell me when my son decided to become Mr. GQ?
Claire cute as can be. I just want to squeeze her little cheeks.
The infamous duo
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:40 PM
Monday, October 5, 2009
Gregg and Erika's Wedding
On September 28 we celebrated the wedding of Andy's youngest brother Gregg. He married Erika and I am so excited to have her as my new sister in law. The wedding was at Gardner Village and turned out beautifully! Gregg and Erika looked so great and I am so happy for them.
Pictures of the happy couple coming soon....
Dallin was the Ring Bearer and was such a little stud. He actually behaved so well during the ceremony and did his job perfectly! He is so big!
This picture is ADORABLE! Dallin and his cute cousin Lyla (who was the flower girl). These two are such a hoot and had a blast running wild all night long. They were pooped by the end of the night!
Claire looked soooo cute in her purple outfit. She was definitely a hit at the wedding, but who could resist this one?
Here we are all together. I wish we had a better family picture of the 4 of us, but this one is pretty cute!
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:05 PM