After 5 ear infections, and 4 different types of antibiotics in less than 3 months, the doctors decided it would be best to put typanostomy tubes in Claire's ears. I didn't hesitate for one second... my poor baby has been suffering for months now. Plus with all the fluid built up behind the ears, it tends to muffle sounds, delay speech and affect the equilibrium. Oh great, that is just what my 11 month old needs to be experiencing right now during probably one of the most crucial developmental times in her life.... no brainer. Anyway, we got the surgery scheduled right away and we went in on Friday. We had to be there at 6:30, Claire was a bit sleepy but cute and content as usual. She got checked out by the nurse practitioner (by the way Claire is traumatized for life after going to the doctor so often and needing wax dug out of her ear, antibiotic shots, etc.) and then we waited in the waiting room for a bit to see the doctor and the anestesiologist. They called her name about 7:45 and I walked her back to the "red line" and handed her off. She was so good, went right to the anestesiologist no problem. So I was just getting comfortable eating my donut in the waiting room when they came out to say they were almost finsished. Huh? It's only been like 15 minutues. It was true, they were in and out of there, super fast. The Doctor came out a few minutes later to tell me the surgery went great. They drained the fluid that was there and she was good to go! Yeah!! I know it was a minor surgery, but that doesn't make it any easier on mom! A few minutes later they let me go back to see her in recovery. She was just chillin with the nurse, no big deal.. it's not like she didn't just come out of anestesia!! The nurse couldn't believe how quickly she came out of it and just sat up in the crib and started babbling. That's my Claire for ya! We hung out in recovery for about an hour, made sure she could drink and hold it down and then we were out of there. 9:00 baby! It was smooth sailing, and I am grateful for that!! She has been overall pretty good since, the nights have been a bit rough, she has woken up in the night screaming, so she must still be in a bit of pain. Hopefully a few more days and she will be 100%!
She looked so cute in her little hospital garb. (minus the fact she could so pass for a boy here)
Waiting for her turn to go back... looking a little sleepy wouldn't ya say?
All fixed up!! This was later on in the day, and is probably the cutest picture ever. She was so proud cuz she was able to get my necklace around her neck! Love this girl.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Claire's Surgery
Posted by
Ashley S.
3:44 PM
Pre School Program
A few weeks ago Dallin's preschool put on an end of the year program at Wheeler Farm They presented lots of cute songs and dances that they learned throughout the year. Dallin was so proud, he was up front and center the whole time dancing and singing his little heart out! We are so proud of all that he has accomplished this year in preschool. He is still our little smarty pants, and I am looking forward to next year of preschool while he prepares to enter kindergarten. We decided that we would start Dallin in kindergarten early (he just barely makes the deadline) mainly because he is so bright, and I dont want him to get too bored in school. Anyway, here are a few pictures from the program!
Posted by
Ashley S.
3:34 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010
The scariest day of my life
This morning I had a horrible experience that will stay with me forever. I decided to go out on the Jordan River Parkway trail this morning with Claire in the stroller and Dallin on his bike. Since we live so close, we walked over. When you get to the entrance of the parking lot there is a HUGE hill that takes you down into the parking lot. I went first with the stroller and when I got to the bottom of the hill (this was the first of two hills) I noticed Dallin was struggling while trying to walk his bike down the hill. I set the stroller into a little divit and turned to go walk up the hill to help Dallin. Well, that was the biggest mistake of my life, and I cant believe I did that. YOu always hear of stupid mistakes that change a life forever, well this almost did just that. Anyway, as I reached Dallin he screamed "MOM LOOK". I turned around to see the stroller 30 feet away from me going full throttle down steelply sloped parking lot. I screamed and screamed, and started booking it. All these horrible thoughts went through my mind in the few seconds I was running (okay sprinting). THe stroller was heading right for a trailer with it's ramp down, oh my gosh is this really happening. People say that when you have an adrenaline rush that miracles can occur... well I am a believer now. I dont know how on earth I was able to run fast enough to catch the stroller carrying my precious little girl that was going faster than I knew a stroller could go and was already a good 50 feet ahead of me. But I did. I caught up. When my hand touched that stroller my life changed in that instant. It was inches (no exaggeration) from that trailer, and I turned my hand so the stroller would swerve out of the way. THe only thing I could do in that moment was fall to the ground and just cry. I cried for a good couple of minutes, poor Dallin was still at the top of the hill with his bike wondering what the heck just happened. My little hero. I dont know what I would have done if he hadn't seen the stroller take off.
I am still trying to wrap my brain around the whole event. I honestly think it should have been impossible for me to catch up to the stroller. I am not a fast runner, the hill was too steep, it was already 30 or so feet ahead of me... how did I do it? Why didn't I just put the brake on when I went to go get Dallin? What would have happend to Claire if she would have hit that trailer? I cant even begin to think about that. I am grateful I dont have to. Our family was truly blessed today. My little angel sleeps peacefully in her crib right now, instead of at the hospital. Wow.
Posted by
Ashley S.
11:15 AM
Friday, May 7, 2010
Mother's Day Tribute
... is the best thing that ever happened to me. I never loved so much, smiled so much, yearned so much, let alone FELT so much in my whole life. I have been truly blessed to be a mother, I know it is my calling in life.
Proud to be their Momma
Dallin. First born. Busy. Brilliant. Cuddly. Athletic. Hilarious. Curious. Momma's boy.
Claire. Little sister. Princess. Easy going. Loving. Smiley. Beautiful. Momma's girl
My mom is my inspiration. I know lots of kids say this about their parents, so maybe it sounds a little Cliche but oh well. It's the truth. She is that mom that never puts herself first. She loves her kids and grandkids more than anything, and she has been such a huge part of my kid's life so far. I hope I received her genes when it comes to parenting! We love you Nana!
Andy's mom (Grammy) is the sweetest, kindest most patient lady I know. I strive to be even half the mother she has to her three boys! Thanks for always being such an example and loving my kids like they were your own!
I wanted to include this picture of my sister-in-law Lacy because I feel she has played a huge part of being able to survive motherhood so far. We have really developed an amazing friendship over the years. Our kids are so close in age, and not a day goes by that we aren't talking to each other and asking eachother for advice! Thanks Auntie for everything you do!
This is my beautiful sister Sarah. She is not yet a mother, but I know that when that day comes she will be the most amazing mom. She has so much love to give, and I cant wait for her to experience the joy that I get to every day. Love ya sis!
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:34 PM
Last night we experienced a first.. Dallin had a horrible night terror. It was about 11:00 and I was just dozing off when I heard Dallin crying in his room. I thought this was strange, because he normally would just come into our room if he woke up. So, I went in and found him sitting up in his bed screaming histerically. I picked him up and tried cuddling him on my lap, only to find that he was extremely aggitated. It seemed like he was in pain, so I thought maybe he had a stomach ache or something. His eyes were open so I assumed he was awake and alert, but just upset. After my failed attempts to soothe him I brought him into our room to see if Andy could help. Again, inconsolable. He laid in our bed and was tossing around like he was in excruciating pain. I kept asking him if his belly hurt and he said "yes". My first thought for all you x-ray peeps was "He has intususseption". Then we asked if he had a bad dream he said, "yes". I began to wonder if he was even hearing me. Then it dawned on me. This kid is still asleep. He was totally 100% asleep, eyes open and in the middle of a night terror. I got some cold water and rubbed it on his face, which did nothing. He started talking more about something random, still crying and rolling around. I could not wake this kid up for the life of me. I turned on the light and said his name really loud, it seemed like he snapped out of it suddenly. Then he jumped out of my arms and ran into the corner of the bathroom, crying. Then suddenly he bolted to the toilet and went to the bathroom... FOREVER. After that... totally fine. His normal self. Seriously, did that just happen. Was my son just having a nightmare AND had to pee so bad that he was trembling and couldnt hold still. It was quite the experience I must say, and I hope we dont have to go through any more nights like that any time soon!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:11 AM