Well for the last few months I have been frustrated because I suddenly stopped having my period.. (too much information?) Anyway, I took many pregnancy tests to be sure I was not pregnant, but they were all negative. I finally got into my OB/GYN a few days ago, and she ran a bunch of blood work to see if she could find any problems. I got a call today and found out that my thyroid levels were WAY high. The normal range is from about .3 to 3, and mine was 8.5! They said I have HYPOTHYROIDISM, which is a disease where thy thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, resulting in fatigue, weight gain and irregular periods. I had been feeling yucky for some time, and even before my periods were irregular I contemplated getting a check up anyway to see what was wrong with me. I feel really relieved because it has been a stressful few months trying to figure out what was going on with my body. I am going in next week to get the full thyroid work up, and she should prescribe me some medication that I will have to take the rest of my life. Oh well, atleast it is manageable! Hopefully everything comes back okay next week, and I dont have some tumor or something. Thanks for listening to my saga!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Hair Cut
Posted by
Ashley S.
3:24 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Aquarium

Here we are, the happy little family! Too bad Dallin doesnt ever want to smile for the camera!
This was right when we walked in, Dallin was so excited as you can tell by his expression. How cute is he?

I love this one because you can see his reflection in the glass. It reminds me of one of those old school pictures that we all had done when we were little... you know what I am talking about!!

Posted by
Ashley S.
2:58 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I have been tagged by Carly, so here we go:
How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3 joys:
1. I LOVE spending time with my cute little family. My days off of work are the best because I get to hang out all day with my adorable Dallin and weekends are great cuz Andy is home too!
2. Shopping- for mainly two things... Dallin ( I dont shop much for myself anymore) and home decorations. Gotta love Tai Pan, Rodworks and Target!
3. Sleeping. It is a wierd one, but I love to sleep. Bed time is my favorite thing, and I especially love uninterrupted sleep. I love when I wake up refreshed!
3 fears:
1. Losing someone close.
2. Not being financially stable
3. Spiders.... Yuck
3 goals:
1. Eat better and lose weight... always #1 on the list
2. Get Andy through school so I can cut back on work
3. Be the greatest example to my kids (cheesy)
3 current obsessions/collections
1. The bachelorette- I do not watch any shows "religiously" because I dont get home from work till 8:30, but the bachelor and bachelorette is on at 9:00 so I can watch. I just got through watching the season premier last night, and I am already addicted... I know it is sad.
2. I have to some things do things the same every day such as: I have to put my right contact in first, I have to drive in the middle lane on my way to work, I have to set my alarm to an odd number, basically I am superstitious!
3. Sonic's strawberry cream slushes.. they are divine and I could eat one every day
3 random suprising facts about myself:
1. I can name all the countries in africa in less than 30 seconds (i know most of you know this but I gotta use it!)
2. I started playing soccer when I was 4 and was the only girl on my team
3. I never met my dad's parents because they passed away before I was born.
Now I tag: Lacy, Jenny, Becca W., Meghan T. and Lindsay L.
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:09 PM
Yucky sickness
Well now that it has finally started warming up, Dallin decided to contract a yucky virus that has been lingering now for over a week. It started out with vomiting (which was nasty by the way). After, he had four lovely days full of diarrhea. Just when we thought we were getting better, Dallin spiked a high fever and went lethargic on me within a five minute period. I thought he was going to pass out or have a seizure or something because he was so weak and mumbling it was totally scary. The doctor said she was not concerned since Tylenol brought the fever down. That fever lasted about three days, and today he is left with a runny nose and barking cough. Oh the joys of motherhood.
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:22 AM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Tribute to Mothers

Andy's Mom and Dallin
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:40 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I met David Beckham
... okay, i didnt really meet him, but I saw him. Tonight I went to the REAL Salt Lake soccer game with my parents and Dallin. We had a blast, and the team played great. We scored two goals within 18 minutes, which is pretty amazing against such a good team. Then we got to see David Beckham score two goals right in a row. I know we should have been rooting for the REAL, but it was pretty cool to see such a talented player score two amazing goals (I know I am a soccer junkie). The game ended up 2-2, and overall was pretty entertaining. It was jam packed, because everyone came to see Beckham. In fact, when he scored there were tons of people cheering. Dallin was such a good kid, and I got thinking that he probably has been to more sporting events in his 21 months of life than some grown people ever have. How lucky is he? And to make the night even better, the Blaze won their first game tonight. I know, I am not a true fan because I didnt go to that game tonight, but can you blame me?
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:32 PM