Saturday, May 3, 2008

I met David Beckham

... okay, i didnt really meet him, but I saw him. Tonight I went to the REAL Salt Lake soccer game with my parents and Dallin. We had a blast, and the team played great. We scored two goals within 18 minutes, which is pretty amazing against such a good team. Then we got to see David Beckham score two goals right in a row. I know we should have been rooting for the REAL, but it was pretty cool to see such a talented player score two amazing goals (I know I am a soccer junkie). The game ended up 2-2, and overall was pretty entertaining. It was jam packed, because everyone came to see Beckham. In fact, when he scored there were tons of people cheering. Dallin was such a good kid, and I got thinking that he probably has been to more sporting events in his 21 months of life than some grown people ever have. How lucky is he? And to make the night even better, the Blaze won their first game tonight. I know, I am not a true fan because I didnt go to that game tonight, but can you blame me?