Monday, March 30, 2009

Candid Moments

For most of us who blog, it seems that the blog is more about our kids, and less about us. I had some random pictures I wanted to share that really captures Dallin's personality. Enjoy

Here is Dallin and his cute cousin Lyla. They are showing off the gold coins that Grammy hid for them to find on St. Patricks day.

I love this picture. Dallin decided to climb into one of his toy bins and lay on his blanket.

This was Dallin at the zoo. I caught just the perfect angle for this shot!

Dallin and his new cousin, Grey. He is so cute with him and always gives loves and wants to hold him.


The Sylvia's said...

my 2 favorite little men!! how cute...and let me just say how much fatter Grey has gotten. love it.