Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sweet Gracie

Most of you know that I work up at Primary Children's Medical Center. I am an xray tech, and for those who dont realize, my job entails way more than just taking pictures of broken bones. I truly love working there, and feel like I am a better person and especially mom because of the different things I face at work each day. There is a blog that many people read about a sweet little girl named Gracie. She was born with a heart defect called HLHS. Now I probably saw Gracie countless times up in the PICU taking xrays, as do I see many kids daily. It is interesting how my job works. I see sick kids every day, I know their names, and recognize them and their families, but I never really get to see more than that. When I came across Gracies blog the other day, I couldnt help but cry. I feel like I know her, and to see the personal side to the story (not just the medical side) made such an impact on me. Usually I go home from work not thinking too much about my patients because I dont get to follow their story. Gracie helped soften my heart and made me realize that each one of these kids that I help each day is someone's daughter/son/siter/brother. They are real people facing real challenges. Working in the medical field is tricky. You really have to find a balance between work and home life. For me, I dont usually get too affected by most of my patients, but Gracie sure hit hard. For those who dont know, sweet little Gracie passed away last week after a failed heart transplant. She was 11 months old. Click here for a link to her blog to hear her amazing story.


Meghan Hendrix said...

And this is why I shouldn't Blog at work. Gracie's story has touched my heart and of course brought tears to my eyes! What a sweet little angel! My family has generic heart problems and I have been up to Primary Children's for different members of my family more times than I can count. This story makes me realize how grateful I am for all our successes. I don't know how you do what you do. I would take such strength to work where you work and not let all the sad stories bring you down. I know I couldn't do it! You have to be such an amazingly strong person Ash! I'm going to make a donation for Gracie's tree and want to go see it this year at the Festival of Trees. Would you go with me? I would love to get a bunch of the girls together to go this year!

MEGGandBOBBY said...

I completely agree with Meghan, I am now sitting at work with tears running down my face.. Good thing I am alone, I am going to go to that concert on Monday I love Kurt Bestor, so if you and Andy or anyone else wants to join let me know!!

MEGGandBOBBY said...

I completely agree with Meghan, I am now sitting at work with tears running down my face.. Good thing I am alone, I am going to go to that concert on Monday I love Kurt Bestor, so if you and Andy or anyone else wants to join let me know!!

KRISTINA said...

I cried so hard when I read all of her stuff... soooo sad!!

The Green's said...

Ash this is a little late but last week I checked your blog and saw this post. I had seen Gracie's blog from Carly's blog but they were waiting for the transplant the time I checked it. So I went to it again and can I just say I spent the afternoon in tears! What a touching story. I hope you are doing well I have been thinking about you alot lately wondering how you are feeling and just how you are doing in general. In fact I had a dream about you last night! Anyway we need to get together and let the kids play.

Lloyd Family said...

Oh my goodness. I read the entire blog and I've just been in tears. That hits so close to home after my little Lia's heart surgery last week. It was so good to see you that day, and by the way, Lia is doing wonderful. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy :)