So tonight Dallin was playing outside with his friend Audrey while I was sitting on the porch. All the sudden Dallin started to take his clothes off and within seconds he was naked. He started booking it and was just laughing and laughing as he ran his naked litte bum around. I attempted (9 months pregnant mind you) to chase after him, but failed miserably. We live in a town home community and the front of our house is just grass, giving him plenty of room to run. There were some guys out on their patio across the way just cracking up, I think they thought it was the funniest thing they have ever seen. I finally caught up with Dallin at the huge water fountain as he was just about to get in the water. Seriously? I was so embarassed. Needless to say, it was freaking hilarious, but I tried to teach Dallin that we dont get undressed in public.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Nursery!
Here is a sneak peak into my sweet Claire's nursery. There are still a few finishing touches to be added, but I thought I had better post now in case I dont find time later. I am in love with the way it all turned out, and thanks to my mom, there are adorable pink walls and even more adorable curtains! The pictures dont really give it justice, so feel free to come over any time and check it out.
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:53 PM
I have hit the 37 week mark, so I decided it was time for a belly shot. Dont mind the fact that my face is not in the picture, I just hate myself in pictures right now. Gotta love the fact that I am in Pajama pants too. I dont really care, I admit I live in them when I am at home! I went to my doctor today where she checked me. I am dilated to a 1+ and 50% effaced. She said her head is down low, so I am excited that my body is preparing for this babe. I was able to schedule my induction for June 11, so that is perfect! I cant wait to meet this sweetheart!
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:44 PM
Memorial Day at Liberty Park.. who knew?
On Memorial Day we tried to think of something to do that we havent done before. We decided to pack a lunch and head down to Liberty Park to check it out. I hadnt been there in FOREVER, in fact I had no idea what to expect. We met Nate and Lacy there and Grammy and Granddad too. We had such a blast. They still have the old school merry-go-round, ferris wheen and mini airplanes. Dallin was in heaven, and he even got to ride the ferris wheel with his favorite person ever, Granddad. We let Dallin and Lyla run around and explore. After 3 hours, we hadn't even covered half the park. I am told there is a fun water feature the kids can play in and playgrounds. Guess we will have to go back another time for more fun. Here's some pics from the day. Enjoy!
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:30 PM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bye Bye Binkie... it's been real
The time has come that I have been DREADING for months now. We decided to take Dallin's binkie away this weekend, although it all happened without any planning. I have never really minded Dallin having a binkie. When he was little it soothed him, and as he got older he used it for sleeping which has always been an issue for him. I really didnt want to disrupt his sleeping habits in any way in fear they would only get worse. Well on Friday the only binkie we could find was this one that glowed in the dark. Andy was excited as he was showing Dallin the cool binkie, but Dallin wasnt too hot on the idea. In fact, he was so terrified of it that he told us he didnt want the "glow binkine". So we took it away and he went to sleep without one. Seriously. Was it that easy? THe next night the same thing, he didnt want the scary glow binkie so he fell right asleep without it again. Naps were no trouble either, we just told him he didnt need binkies any more. So its been 4 nights and 3 naps now that he has sucessfully gone down without a peep. I love my life right now!
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:18 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Countdown
I am freaking out a little bit with the thought that my baby could realistically come any time now. I went overdue with Dallin, but I know so many people who have gone into labor 2-3 weeks early. That is NEXT WEEK. Kind of a reality check when put into that perspective. Needless to say, I am sooooo excited for her arrival and am actually feeling ALMOST ready. My body this week has completely stopped functioning (12 hour shifts at work are really a struggle). I cant wait to be able to sleep on my back or stomach... or sleep at all for that matter. My pelvis feels like a bowling ball is sitting right inside of it (basically there is!!). Physically I am so ready, I go to the doctor on Wednesday where she will check my cervix to see if I have dilated. I would be shocked if I hadn't because I have contractions ALL DAY LONG. We will schedule my induction for 39 weeks on Wednesday, which will make everyting even a bit more real. I am hoping for Thursday June 11. I will let everyone know if that ends up being the date. Of course I am secretly hoping that I will go into labor on my own, just for the whole experience. We shall see. Emotionally I am still a bit unsure of this new journey I am about to embark on is going to change our lives. I am scared because I am going to be alone for the first 13 or so weeks with Andy working full time and then having night classes M-TH. Its all going to work out and be fine, I just am nervous. I hope Dallin isnt a terror and even more so I hope Claire isnt!!!! Overall this pregnancy has gone by incredibly fast, even with my due date getting set back a whole month. I really do love being pregnant, it is an amazing thing women are blessed to experience. I am super excited for the delivery, mainly for that moment when the doctor will lay her on my chest and I get to see her for the firs time. I go through that moment in my mind a million times a day. (Lets just hope I acutally have a good experience and hopefully no C-Section). Less than 3 weeks BABY.
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:23 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My Boys
I cant say much about this picture except aren't they freaking adorable? I love my boys, and in honor of Mother's day I just wanted to express how much I love being a wife and mommy. Having Dallin has been the most amazing accomplishment/challenge/reward/gift that I could ever imagine. I cannot wait for Miss Claire to arrive in a few weeks so I can experience new joy and new challenges.
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:46 PM
Andy walked at the University of Utah, despite not being quite done with classes. He has a few more classes to take this summer, but since they dont offer commencement after summer semester, they allow those graduating to walk early. It was a really nice day and a quick and easy ceremony. After we all went to lunch for some yummy Olive Garden to celebrate!
My cute hubby in his cap and gown. I am so proud of Andy for reaching this point in his life. He has been such a great example and I am glad that he accomplished his goal.
Here is Andy with his brothers.
Dont you just love the fattness in this picture. Oh well, I guess that's what you get being 9 months prego! I figured we needed a picture of us together for a keepsake, despite the fact I hate my picture being taken right now.
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:36 PM