Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Countdown

I am freaking out a little bit with the thought that my baby could realistically come any time now. I went overdue with Dallin, but I know so many people who have gone into labor 2-3 weeks early. That is NEXT WEEK. Kind of a reality check when put into that perspective. Needless to say, I am sooooo excited for her arrival and am actually feeling ALMOST ready. My body this week has completely stopped functioning (12 hour shifts at work are really a struggle). I cant wait to be able to sleep on my back or stomach... or sleep at all for that matter. My pelvis feels like a bowling ball is sitting right inside of it (basically there is!!). Physically I am so ready, I go to the doctor on Wednesday where she will check my cervix to see if I have dilated. I would be shocked if I hadn't because I have contractions ALL DAY LONG. We will schedule my induction for 39 weeks on Wednesday, which will make everyting even a bit more real. I am hoping for Thursday June 11. I will let everyone know if that ends up being the date. Of course I am secretly hoping that I will go into labor on my own, just for the whole experience. We shall see. Emotionally I am still a bit unsure of this new journey I am about to embark on is going to change our lives. I am scared because I am going to be alone for the first 13 or so weeks with Andy working full time and then having night classes M-TH. Its all going to work out and be fine, I just am nervous. I hope Dallin isnt a terror and even more so I hope Claire isnt!!!! Overall this pregnancy has gone by incredibly fast, even with my due date getting set back a whole month. I really do love being pregnant, it is an amazing thing women are blessed to experience. I am super excited for the delivery, mainly for that moment when the doctor will lay her on my chest and I get to see her for the firs time. I go through that moment in my mind a million times a day. (Lets just hope I acutally have a good experience and hopefully no C-Section). Less than 3 weeks BABY.


Becca Jane said...

That was fun to read cuz you sound EXACTLY like me when I was prego with Allie. Same thoughts and hopes....I was induced, but I hoped to go into labor on my own too cuz I was also induced with Cam. No such luck for me though...I made it to 39 weeks 5 days with her. I felt like the last 4 weeks just dragged by. Hopefully you're dilated a little bit! Can't wait to hear the BIG news and see pictures of Claire!