So my mom bought us tickets to go see the "So you think you can dance" live show last night. I will tell you this... I only watched a few of the episodes (my mom and sister were devoted fans) so I wasnt quite sure what to expect. I was so pleasantly suprised. It was one of the coolest things I have ever been to. These people are so amazing, they way they can move and adapt to other styles of dancing outside of their specialty is unreal. I had such a good time, and by the end of the night, I felt like I knew each one personally. Three of the final ten contestants were from Utah, so it was neat for them and the audience was way into it. There were some spectacular dances, each with its own story and emotion. I mean, I am not a dancer by any means, and it really made me appreciate the art behind it. WOW!
Here we are, the three little Quentin Gals. Thanks mom for the tickets.
My beautiul sister, Sarah!
These two were the hit of the night. Joshua was the winner of season 4, and Katee was the top girl. They each won lots of money. Their dancing styles are so different, but together they just worked so well.
This was by far the most popular dance. Everyone was screaming so loud after, it was way cool. I was so impressed! Chelsey (from Utah) and Matt were the dancers in this one.
This dance was very dramatic. It was choreographed so well and was just so unique!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
So you think you can dance
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:10 PM
Makeup Anyone?
Dallin is OBSESSED with my makeup lately. He begs me to play with it, but it gets so messy so I only let him use the little powder compact. I found him sitting at his little table the other day doing this. I wanted to die it was so cute!
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:04 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thyroid Update
So tomorrow I go get my blood drawn again to see how well the thyroid medicine I have been taking is working. It has been just about 8 weeks since I started on my meds, and I feel good. The biggest thing I have noticed is I can get through a day without DYING for a nap. Honestly, I used to struggle to keep my eyes open sometimes and I would just drag for hours. Now, I can make it through the day just fine. I would not be suprised if I still needed a higher dose though, because I havent notices much else happening. My doctor wants to draw a special antibody test that doesnt just pertain to my thyroid. He just wants to make sure there is no other autoimmune problems in any other part of my body since my thyroid antibody levels were OFF THE CHARTS. So hopefully everything is fine in that regard. So here's to another test... good thing I have already met my deductable for this year!
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:53 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
We went bowling last night with Andy's fam for his brother Gregg's b-day. It was so much fun, and it was Dallin's first time bowling. I was a little hesitant at first, because Dall is the type of kid who takes off running at any second and a huge bowling alley seemed a bit too scary. Well, we survived and actaully Dallin was very well behaved and thought bowling was the greatest thing ever. He used that little metal slide thing that you can roll the ball down, and he clapped after every turn. It was so cute. After about seven frames he discovered the arcades in the back and bowling was soon forgotten. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. As for me, I found out that I bowl much better left handed. Strange, I know, but I think I was meant to be left handed. First off, I kick better with my left foot, I am more flexible on my left side, I do lefty carwheels (i know what you are thinking, when do I do cartwheels) and I wakeboard with my left foot forward. that sounds like lefty to me. So basically I sucked at bowling until I switched to my left hand. It was fun being with Andy's family, and we ate at Fat Cat's beforehand. Good times! Thanks Sylva's for a fun night. Too bad I forgot my camera so there are no pics to share.
Posted by
Ashley S.
11:40 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I just wanted to post a little entry about Dallin and his sweet cousin Lyla. You see, I grew up the youngest cousin in my family by 15-20 years easy. My mom was the youngest of 5 and she didnt have me until she was 38.... you do the math. Anyway, I never had tons of little cousins running around at Sunday dinners or Holidays. I am so grateful that Dallin has the opportunity to have cute little Lyla in his life. So far, she is his only cousin, but now that Lacy is prego again, Dallin will soon have a "baby boy to play football with" as he would say! Lyla is exactly one year younger than Dallin, and I hope they grow up to be good buds. They play together so well right now (even though Dallin sometimes tackles her, and tries to pick her up by her head...). He loves that girl. I mean who couldnt seriously just look at that darling red hair.
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:10 PM
The Francom's called and invited us to go up to Snowbird yesterday. We were all over it, considering it was such a beautiful day and we really wanted to get out and do something fun! We headed up around lunch time, and figured there would be tons of food up there so we didnt really pack anything to eat or drink... BIG mistake. We searched around for about a half-hour trying to find something to eat that wasnt over $12. Even a dinky little hot dog or hamburger was over ten bucks. We almost gave up on eating when we found a little restaurant that had a decent priced menu. After ordering off the kids menu (that's right) we headed out to explore. There was one of those giant bouncey slides that the kids played in for a bit. They were eyeing the Tram so we decided to splurge and since the kids rode free we thought it would be worth the money! Dallin was in heaven and stood in the window the whole time. It was so beautiful up there and the perfect tempertature. We walked around for a bit and found a little trail to hike down. Well that was stupid, what turned into a little hill turned into a 45 degree incline on the way back up.... not so good for me wearing flip flops. It was fun though, minus the burning muscles and panting/whining kids! Kristina and I felt like we were 60 years old climbing up that stupid hill! Overall, we had a fun time, and all the boys ran wild and loved sitting on the 4-wheelers and playing with rocks, while the adults just enjoyed some good company and the beautiful outdoors. Here's some cute pictures from the day!
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:15 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
You know you say a word too much when your 2 year old son runs around saying "freak" all day long. I kind of want to laugh, but honestly, I feel like this terrible mom who lets her kid say anything. Am I? It is kind of embarassing to be honest and I cant believe I just confessed this to every single person out there in Cyber Land. I have tried a few things to get him to stop saying it, but the more attention I bring to it, the more he says it. The funny thing is, now all of our friends notice how much we actually do say it. Oh and yesterday we were driving and someone was going really slow in front of us... Andy was getting a bit frustrated and all the sudden Dallin said "Are you kidding me right now?" (another common term Lacy and I use on an hourly basis). What the? Did my 2 year old really just say that? AHHH what should I do, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by
Ashley S.
7:22 PM