This Christmas was awesome, and Dallin had a blast. We started out with the Quentin family annual Christmas Eve party at my mom's house. I look forward to this party every year because it is really the only time I get to see my exteded family. We had a great turn out and I was able to show off my cute boy and announce my newest addition to everyone! After the party we headed home with some cute new jammies of course! We woke up early so we could enjoy a little time just the three of us opening our gifts. Dallin was adorable as always getting excited over every little gift. We had to rush though, because we had to head over to my mom's early. There we enjoyed all our wonderful gifts from my parent's, my aunt who always comes and stays on Christmas and of course my sis and Tyler. We had yummy breakfast and then ventured on to Andy's parent's. Again, we were spoiled and had fun with them. Overall it was a very nice Christmas. We got some wonderful things including clothes, CD's, movies, a video camera and a beautiful vintage painting of the Salt Lake Temple. I cant believe that next Christmas I will have two kids. How weird is that!!! I hope everyone had a great Holiday, and Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas '08
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:03 PM
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Kids say the darnest things
Lately Dallin has been so HILARIOUS! I have to share the funniest thing he said to me the other day. We were sitting on the couch watching TV (which we hardly ever do, its always movies around here) when a commercial came on for Kmart Jewlers. The lady opened a gift and it was a diamond necklace. The husband put it on the wife and blah blah blah... the rest is a blur. All I remember is Dallin saying the following phrase,
"He went to Jared"
Excuse me? I was seriously crying because I was laughing so freaking hard! Silly Kid.
Posted by
Ashley S.
10:47 AM
Monday, December 22, 2008
Its a....
GIRL! We went to fetal fotos tonight for our "gender" ultrasound they call it. What a great experience that was. The girl was so nice, the place is very clean and peaceful and they spent over 35 minutes just looking around at all the cute baby features. We had a really hard time finding out the sex because the ubilical cord was between the legs the whole time, so it was easy to mistake for "male parts". The girl got one awesome shot that informed us we were having a little girl. We all screamed (okay so just me, my mom and Andy's mom) but it was so fun! We all thought it was a boy because we saw the cord, but when she put "im a girl" on the screen I about lost it. I definately wanted a girl more than a boy, but obviously would have been happy with either. She was so active during the whole scan, and we even caught her yawning. So cute. Anyway, I am just very happy to know now, and feel like I can really start preparing. Dallin was excited to learn he was having a "little sister" although he seemed to know before I even knew I was pregnant based on a few comments he made. Those little ones are so in tuned, you know! We are excited to start really talking baby names, and we have a few great ones in the running so far. Yeah! I will have to post a picture from the ultrasound when I have more time.
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:54 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Bye Bye Blaze
Well for those who havent heard, the AFL (arena football league) had to cancel their '09 season. This means that all employees were laid off including Andy. We sort of figured it was coming, but it is still a bit shocking. Today was his last day, and he has started his ski delivery business full throttle now. We hope it goes well for us so he wont have to find a different job, so now we just sit and wait! Already, Andy has jumped right into this new job with total motivation, and has quite a few reservations already for this weekend and more to come. We are excited for this new journey, and hope things work out in the end. You know they always say things happen for a reason!! In other news, I have decided to go to fetal fotos at 15 weeks to find out the sex of the baby. For some reason I am incredibly anxious to find out this time around. I invited my mom and mother in law to come to the ultrasound, so it will be a fun event for everyone. I go this monday, so wish me luck and of course I will post as soon as I find out!
Posted by
Ashley S.
4:47 PM
Monday, December 15, 2008
14 week belly shot
Okay I decided to be brave and post a belly shot. I feel like I look so big for being 14 weeks (well close enough) Oh well, second child syndrome I guess.
Posted by
Ashley S.
1:08 PM
We decided to hit the hills for some sledding action. It was Dallin's first time, and he was so excited all day. I was a little unsure how he would handle the whole ordeal, but he loved it! After a few times he got a little more hesitant, but he still loved it!
Dallin of course had to ride with Granddad a few times. He loves his Granddad so much, they are such buds. Grammy even went down a few times.
Dallin looked so cute pulling the little sled all by himself.
We got all bundled up in our gear! I felt like I was going skiing, but that isnt in the cards for me this season! Being pregnant really limits what I can do, so I made the executive decision to try sledding. I hadnt been in years, and it was really fun! I didnt even fall off, so baby was totally fine LOL!
What a cutie all bundled up in his gear!
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:45 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Updates.... and stuff
So I am 13 weeks prego now, and look like I am about 17 or so. I cant believe how fast I started showing with this baby. My belly button is already close to popping out and i am getting close to having to transition to maternity pants. Wow, who would have thought. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to post a belly picture. I havent taken one yet but probably should here soon. I have started feeling better (as far as the nausea goes). I am still very fatigued and have a hard time getting through the day. I was in bed by 8:30 last night, sorry Andy I am so boring! Dallin is getting over a nasty cold which meant not a lot of sleep at night for either of us. I have been such a homebody (which is so unlike me) because I have had no energy to do anything. I need to get out and finish christmas shopping, it is sneaking up on us here so quickly. Other than that, things are good at the Sylvia house. For those who may have heard, the AFL (arena football league) which is who Andy is employed by, might be going under. Ya, I guess the whole economic crisis has really hit them hard. They have been trying to work things out for a few weeks now, but things arent looking too hot. That means Andy will lose his job with the Blaze if the league goes under. No worries though, because Andy just scored a new part time job which he will be working from home running a new ski delivery business for Canyon Sports. Its not full time, but atleast we will have some income if the Blaze go under till he finds something else. I will keep everyone posted on that. Bye for now!
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:12 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Feeling a bit ungrateful
I decided that since blogging is sort of like a journal, that I could start writing about things I am grateful for. I think I take things for granted way too often, and I think by recognizing three things each week I can start really appreciating the little things! You will find my list on my sidebar, and I will change it every week!
Posted by
Ashley S.
6:22 PM