Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kids say the darnest things

Lately Dallin has been so HILARIOUS! I have to share the funniest thing he said to me the other day. We were sitting on the couch watching TV (which we hardly ever do, its always movies around here) when a commercial came on for Kmart Jewlers. The lady opened a gift and it was a diamond necklace. The husband put it on the wife and blah blah blah... the rest is a blur. All I remember is Dallin saying the following phrase,
"He went to Jared"

Excuse me? I was seriously crying because I was laughing so freaking hard! Silly Kid.


Jen Lee said...

That made me laugh out loud!!!! I love little kids!!!

Sally said...

Hey- I just barely started blogging for real and I loved reading your blog. Way to go on the girl guys! Ty and I are so glad to see you guys are doing so well.

Meghan Hendrix said...

Oh my goodness that is seriously so hillarious!!

MEGGandBOBBY said...

ha ha ha I love the things kids say!!