Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Nice Face
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:26 PM
My thoughts on blogging
For those who have blogs, you have come to learn that blogging is an enjoyable way to document your life, as well as keep informed about others who you care about. I visit my blog every day and see who has commented, etc. I love looking at my friends blogs too, and admit it, so do you. I just wanted to say that I have found many people's blogs that I know from the past and I think it is so fun to go visit their blog and see what they are up to. Also, many people have come across my blog and left comments, which i think is so neat! So, for those who think "blog stalking" is creepy, it really isnt. I find it fun to keep up with old friends. Now what is creepy is people who you have never met that comments weird things... you people need to STOP!
Posted by
Ashley S.
2:12 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Update... Dallin... the weekend... whatever
For those who are interested (I know, not many I am sure) I want to give an update on Dallin's transition to the big boy bed. I am so proud of my little man for doing so well. In fact, I am loving it! I think the whole thing was much harder on me than him. I thought it was going to be a few weeks of HELL honestly. Turns out, with all the right equipment, things arent so bad after all. The first night, like I previously posted, was very sad because I had no way of keeping Dallin in his room without holding the door knob closed. After two nights, I decided to turn the locks aroung on the doors so I could lock it from the outside. I know, it sounds terrible, but it really works. Now he really doesnt even try to come open the door because he doesnt think he can get out. Bed time has become much easier, and he sleeps great. I can just leave and close the door. He may cry for a minute, but goes right down. If he wakes up, which is not uncommon for Dallin, then I simply can go lay with him for a few minutes until he dozes off and I am back to bed. Before, I didnt quite know what to do with him when he woke up. So, in conclusion, all you mom's out there who are pondering switching over, JUST DO IT. I know I would have waited forever if I could have, but I am actually glad I got thrown into it so fast. Also, another piece of advice, take down the crib immediately so you do not have any option to fall back on. So there you have it. Now, on a more interesting note, this weekend was pretty fun.. Andy got home last night and we enjoyed going to Cafe Rio and watching the Jazz game. Then today we actually were invited to a friends suprise birthday party at the Bee's game. We couldnt resist because it was such a beautiful day. We got to go for free, and hot dogs and drinks were provided too. The cute mascot came over and silly stringed Johnny because it was his birthday. Dallin had a great time, and did so well. It is funny that he wont sit still for two seconds, but when it comes to any sort of sporting event he does amazing. Fine by me I guess! Later, we went to my parent's house for dinner where we enjoyed a backyard soccer game... Me and my sister Sarah vs. Andy and Tyler (my brother in law) That's right, Sarah and I rocked the house down and beat the boys. It's not so easy is it!! I love the weekends where I get to spend time with my family and just relax. Good Times
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:31 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Just the two of us
So Andy has the opportunity to go to New Orleans for the weekend with the Blaze team for one of their away games. He is super stoked and gets to go for free, get his own hotel room, and cruise around with the players in the bus. Me on the other hand gets to spend two nights alone. I know, it doesnt sound so bad, but I have actually only been away from Andy for one night in our four years of marriage. I know I will be fine, but it is just weird when he is not here. I guess Dallin and I will just have to lounge around and watch tv and eat junk food all weekend! I am excited for Andy to go, he is really looking forward to it. I hope he has a good time, and eats some yummy creole food! (dont forget the beignets right Jenny!)
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:48 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Day two
Just so you all know, it is day two of the "big boy bed" and guess what? Dallin went down in less than 5 minutes. In fact, he didnt even get off of his bed this time to try and open the door. He just cried for a few minutes and fell right asleep. I love my life!
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:38 PM
What in the world just happened
8:00 Brushed Dallin's teeth, said goodnight to the friends we had over
8:15 Layed Dallin down (he was very upset and not ready for bed at all, but he didnt nap well)
8:17 I was down stairs enjoying the Jazz game with our friends when my little man came crawling down the stairs. I was SHOCKED. He had climbed out one time before, but it had been a few days so I thought I was in the clear.
8:20-9:30 Jenny and Lacy helped me come up with a game plan. We thought I could just take down the rail on the crib so he could climb in and out. I was too nervous having him getting out of his crib all the time. When we tried to take the rail off, the whole thing collapsed. That is when I decided that I was going to take the whole thing down. Luckily, we had a twin bed already, so I just drug the matress and layed it on the floor. Dallin thought it was the coolest thing ever, so for one second I thought it might be an easy transition.
9:30 Andy and I went upstairs and layed with Dallin on the floor. We sang a few songs and then told him it was time to go to sleep in his big boy bed. We left, and I put the baby gate in the doorway so he could not get out. I figured he would cry at the gate for a while, but eventually he would go lay in his bed
9:33 I was downstairs enjoying the jazz game when.. (doesnt this sound familiar) my little man comes crawling down the stairs... YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. How in the world? I guess if he can climb out of a crib he can climb over a gate. I was freaking out thinking, what am I going to do. I dont have a crib set up, he can climb over the gate and he can open doors.
9:40 I went a layed down with Dallin again. After a few minutes I left, closed the door, and did one of the hardest things a mother could do... stood at the door holding the knob so he could not open it. He was SCREAMING and it was sooo sad. Then, a miracle occurred. After only about 5 minutes of crying at the door, it stopped. Yup, my cutie pie went and layed down in his "big boy bed" and fell asleep. AMAZING. He slept until 5 without a peep, so I would say that it was overall, a good night. So, until tonight.....

Posted by
Ashley S.
9:18 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My little cutie pie
So I just wanted to write a little note about my adorable son Dallin. For all you mom's out there, do you ever just look at your child and want to cry because you love them so much? I do all the time. Despite the tantrums, the sleepless nights, and the chaos, my little guy is the greatest blessing ever. He is now 20 months old, and amazes me every day with his knowledge. He has always been "advanced" as we have always said. He sat up on his own at 4 months, he crawled at 6 months, and walked before 10 months. Now he is saying 4 word sentences. Some people have commented on how smart he is, but to me, he is just Dallin. I dont know what to say when people comment like that. I havent done anything special... well at least i dont think I have. Since Dallin was a baby I have talked to him like a real person, holding conversations with him, telling him about our day to come etc. Maybe he just learned quickly from that. Either way, I am just glad he his healthy and learning. I dont need him to be the smartest boy in his class, or count to a zillion or whatever. I just love him for being him. He constatly makes me laugh, he repeats everything we say (including "freaking A" thanks to uncle Nate). I am so lucky to have such a great son, and husband in my life. I look forward to many years to come full of memories, and laughter. Who knows, maybe another little Sylvia family member will join in the fun some day! For now, I will continue to live in each moment because I know Dallin will only get older and older.
Posted by
Ashley S.
12:52 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
So last night someone decided to break into our garage and Andy's car. We left our garage open for a short time, around 9:30, and to our shock someone had been rummaging through our stuff. I feel so violated. I cant believe people are so mean. They stole Andy's backpack, which has all his school stuff (finals are next week) so now he is freaking out because he doesnt have his books or his calculator. They stole a bunch of other stuff incluing Andy's wallet and Nate's work bag. LAME. I usually am a trusting person, but not anymore. That was the worst feeling ever. I was so scared, I even went and got Dallin and had him sleep with us. So dont think you are safe, even when you live in a nice community with 20 other garages facing yours, I sure did.
Posted by
Ashley S.
8:44 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
St. George Baby!!!

Here is Andy and Nate driving down in the expedition we rented. Man what a beast that was t drive. Arent they such studs. You would never know they were related..
Lacy and I cruised in the back seat. Of course we were on baby patrol. The kids actually did quite well on the drive down. They both slept about 1 hour and then entertained eachother for a bit!

Introducing from left to right: miss Audrey Hanna Foster, age 2 1/2. She loves Dora, baby dolls and playing. Next, Lyla Kate Sylvia, age 8 months. She fancies oatmeal, her socks and her cousin. Last (but definately not least), Dallin Andrew Sylvia, age 20 months. He enjoys playing at parks, any sort of ball, and of course, his "nigh night binkie"
Hope you enjoyed our vacation pictures. It was nice for Andy and I to get away for a mini adventure. Hopefully we can take another trip soon, without Dallin (no offense Dal, but we could use a little break!)
Posted by
Ashley S.
9:02 PM